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Early years: Benito Mussolini I was born July 29 of 1883 in Predappio, Italy.

My father was black smith by the name of Alessandro Mussolini he was also a socialist. My mother on the other hand was a school teacher, her name was Rosa Mussolini. Growing up was a riot I took to my fathers political likings as I grew up. I then joined the army from 1905-1906. Shortly after my return I became a journalist in politics in 1908 and stirred up the biggest trouble of Rome had ever seen. I became part of socialist party and even had our own riot in 1911 which the authorities did not appreciate. Then I returned to military service for WW1 and was in the trenches quite some time. I had lots of time to think of how to be in control of Rome and all its people in Italy.

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