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Interview Essay- Gabriela Albn Gabriela Albn is currently 18 years old.

She is studying at Unidad Educativa San Vicente Ferrer" high school. She like read, listen reggae and electronic music. As well she rides horse, and practices extreme sports. Because, she love feel the adrenalin and the challenges. She doesnt like the cats. Grabriela defines her passionate are The books. I love the books because you can find knowing,
know others cultures and others times. She say that choose her major, because she like the challenges and the knowing. When asked Why she go back to the school, she say that: this is part of her life to become a professional. She thinks that the people say that She is responsible and she likes the challenges.

The greatest disappointment in her life, is that she couldn't in the "VI Amaznicos" games at 2010 because a friend died. She think that the people criticize about her, is her absence patient. She would not change anything In conclusion, Gabriela is a wonderful girl, that believe in herself. This is the key of her success.

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