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Career Path Marine Biologist

Mia Carey Ms. Jones English 4 6th period

Why do I want to pursue this career?

I want to pursue this career because I like and have a love for aquatic animals such as dolphins, seal, whales, fish, reef life, and others along that line. This career is extremely fun and acquires a lot of time in the water and in labs and its is overall a hands on experience.

Interests/Skills/High School studies required

The skills you must posses are critical thinking, interpersonal, observation, problem-solving, speaking and writing skills. You must graduate high school and then go to college and get an undergraduates degree in biology with coursework in zoology and wildlife biology A bachelors degree in zoology or a masters degree for a higher level position Ph.D. is needed for college teaching positions and independent research.

Degrees/Years of study
It would take 6-10 years to become a marine biologists due to all the classes you need and the years it takes to become a doctor. A masters degree takes 2 years at certain colleges like Gadston Community College A masters degree takes 34 years at a university like Dillard

Top state and national Colleges/Programs

Nicholls state university best college in Louisiana Duke university in North Carolina Barry university in Florida Alabama State in Alabama Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina

Income Potential/Projected Job Market

Income Potential Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations $58,530 Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists $57,430 Total, All Occupations $33,840 Projected Job Market Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations 16% Total, All Occupations 14% Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists 7%

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