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Chicken Soup (YUM) Nickolau Gabin Dela Cruz 8-Campion Now which experience should I pick?

So many to choose from I know how about when I became the ONLY man in the house. Well one fine day was ruined by my dads sudden announcement to be leaving for America and that I would be the man of the house. The fact that I am the only man/male in the house and that I was 8 at the time was a LOT to take in considering my age. When we said our tearful goodbyes we finally saw my dad leave for Wyoming. I had cried the entire trip home (and might have fallen asleep at some point). When we arrived home my mom told me that as man of the house I would have to do whatever my sister tells me to do because Im the Man of the house. Although I was able to have a sigh of relief when my older male cousin came home but only visits like one a month or something. But I am able to cope with the responsibilities and take it in like a man. Although it seems now I can go to America every other year (Its an assumption). Every time I see my dad in person I seem to cry just a little bit inside until I have to let it all out in my room/basement of my aunts house. There I can cry, drink ginger ale and eat chips without anyone batting an eye. The last time I saw my dad was January 4 2014 where he told me to shape up to take on the responsibilities of a man and to be able to take care of my family. It seemed that one moment took forever and I finally said Yes. He gave me a journal to write whatever happens every day and give it to him so he can read it. But at the rate of trips to America and all the things that are happening at this point in my life I might make a novel. While in the van the only thing I could hear was the beating of my sad, sad, SAD heart. When we got to my aunts house I stayed in the basement until dinner time came. When we were going back to the Philippines I had to write my experiences in America all centering around my dad. Quotable quotes: Family is not an important thing. It's everything.
-Michael J. Fox

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