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Newton's method is very powerful but has the disadvantage that the derivative f' may sometimes be a far more difficult expression than f itself and its evaluation therefore computationally expensive.

2. Starting with the two initial approximations p0 and p1, the approximation p2 is the x -intercept of the line joining (p0, f (p0)) and (p1, f (p1)). 3. The approximation p3 is the x -intercept of the line joining (p1, f (p1)) and (p2, f (p2)), and so on. 4. Note that only one function evaluation is needed per step for the Secant method after p2 been determined. In contrast, each step of Newtons method requires an evaluation of both the function and its derivative. 5. If we do not have a good starting point or interval, then the secant method, just like Newtons method can fail altogether. The Regula Falsi method, just like the bisection method always works because it keeps the solution inside a definite interval. 6. The false position method (or regula falsi) uses the same formula as the secant method. 7. However, it does not apply the formula on and, like the secant method, but on and on the last iterate such that and have a different sign. This means that the false position method always converges.

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