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Noun:I know a easy way to edit.

To make changes revise, correct a document


Noun: I know what the other type of thesurus is.

feature that provides synonyms (and sometimes antonyms

Landscape View Noun: I saw a picture in form of landscape.

The widht of the display aera is grater than the lenght

Portrait View --

Noun: I know what portrsit is.

1. the height of the display area is greater than the width; page is vertical

Title bar

Noun: I title bar is located on the top of the computer.

2. The bar at the top of the screen that gives the name of your file

NOUN :what is a alignment?


Edit--to make changes, document


Noun: I have never seen a icon.

3. pictures or symbols that represent programs behind them

Header/ footer

Noun:a I dont even know what is a alignment so why woyld I know what is a icon.

4. appears on every page of a document, it includes information like names, titles, and page numbers. The footer is at the bottom. The header is at the top.


Noun: a margin sounds like tangrin.

5. the blank space that surrounds the text on a page


Noun: I know what is a copy but not hard.

a print out of a document. Output from a computer that you can touch


Noun: a status bar is a located at the bottom.

6. horizontal bar, typically at the bottom of the screen or window showing information about a document being edited or a program running.


Noun a front is a way to writte.

7. Style ofof writing/text. Example: Arial


Noun: a character is a .

8. the keyboard--any text (letters), number, or symbol typed on the keyboard

Text wrap

Noun:I dont know what is a text wrap.

a feature allowing text to surround pictures


Noun: I know what a ribbon is .

a set of toolbars are placed on tabs. Each toolbar has many icons of tools

Word processing

Noun: I take classes and we are learning the word processing.

9. a computerized method of writing, editing, saving, and printing text. Example: Microsoft Word

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