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lf you're looklng for affordable ldeas for fun famlly Lrlps, conslder a weekend or exLended vlslL Lo Lhe
navarro CounLy reglon ln LasL 1exas, an area noLed for lLs rlch hlsLory, frlendly resldenLs, and Lhrlvlng
arLs and enLerLalnmenL scene.
1he clLy of Corslcana, for example, ls home Lo Lhe second largesL planeLarlum ln Lhe sLaLe, Lhe 4556
42#02+ 7(%#20%+'"&. lL's a musL-see for dlehard sLargazers, vlslLors wlLh chlldren, or anyone who en[oys
someLhlng dlfferenL" when Lravellng. CurrenL and upcomlng shows lnclude 1he Lunar Cowboy", 1he
SecreL of Lhe Cardboard 8ockeL" and 1he Cowboy AsLronomer."
lor hlsLory buffs, Lhere's Lhe 72%+82 9"-2"&, where Lhe romance of Lhe WesL" comes allve vla Lhe
faclllLy's vasL Clvll War documenL archlves and WesLern arL collecLlon.
AnoLher don'L mlss" desLlnaLlon for hlsLory lovers ls area's Lhree naLlonal 8eglsLer PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs,
whlch lncludes Lhe eleganL homes of 9'((- 7(%82 and 4%++'%:2 ;'-0+'80 ad Lhe red-brlcked sLreeLs of Lhe
;5<#05<# 45+-'8%#% dlsLrlcL.
Whlle Lourlng downLown, you can also sLop by Lhe famous 45(('# =0+220 >%62+), a longLlme local favorlLe
LhaL's recelved naLlonal medla aLLenLlon, and Lry a frulLcake or Cherry lce 8ox Cookle.
Speaklng of dlnlng, Lhere are plenLy of dellclous local opLlons Lo check ouL, lncludlng napoll's lzza, Lhe
CoLLon aLch Cafe and 8oy's Cafe-as well as Lhe Cld Mexlcan lnn & 8esLauranL, where Lhe homemade
Mexlcan SLew and orange dlp" are musLs.
lf llve muslc and performance ls on your Lrlp agenda Lhe hlsLorlc 7%(%82 *?2%02+ offers producLlons Lhe year
round, lncludlng lnLernaLlonally-acclalmed muslc acLs and 8roadway producLlons. 8ecenL and upcomlng
shows lnclude Ld Asner as lu8", a concerL by Lhe Parlem Cospel Cholr, a performance of 8roadway's
SweeL CharlLy" and a show by Perman's PermlLs.
More muslc and arLs evenLs may be found aL Lhe Warehouse Llvlng ArLs CenLer, whlch ls home Lo Lhe
Corslcana Chlldren's Company performlng arLs group monLhly exhlblLs presenLed by Lhe navarro Councll of
Lhe ArLs.
no fun famlly Lrlp would be compleLe wlLhouL some fun ouLdoors, so be sure and Llme your vlslL durlng one
of Lhe area's speclal evenLs or fesLlvals. Cne of Lhe slgnaLure fesLlvals ln Lhe Corslcana area ls sprlngLlme's
;2++'86 ;%)-, whlch celebraLes Lhe reglon's longLlme Lles Lo Lhe oll lndusLry. More ouLdoor recreaLlon may be
found aL Lhe 8lchland Chambers 8eservolr, whlch boasLs 330 mlles of shorellne.
lf your famlly Lrlp ls planned for more Lhan [usL a weekend, you'll wanL Lo Lake advanLage of navarro CounLy's
proxlmlLy Lo oLher LasL 1exas desLlnaLlons, such as Lhe uogwood 1ralls of alesLlne, Lhe Caldwell Zoo ln 1yler,
Lhe Craceful ChosL SLeamboaL ln !efferson, or CanLon's famed flea markeL.
1o klck off your fun famlly Lrlp once you arrlve ln Lown, sLop by Lhe Corslcana vlslLor CenLer. lL's housed
lnslde a beauLlfully resLored 1893 rallroad offlce locaLed aL 8eaLon SLreeL and SevenLh Avenue, also known as
Plghway 31. 1o geL your plannlng sLarLed, vlslL for an lnLeracLlve vlslLor gulde, or call
877.648.2688 Lo recelve lnformaLlon by mall.

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