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The Mexican miracle The fast industrialization and support sustained economic growth of the country were helped

to speak about the Mexican Miracle by many Mexican intellectuals. The growth and urbanization coming from a developing Mexico were surprising for many of them. The socalled Mexican Miracle is based on: The control of peso-dollar parity. The peso was not devalued for decades. The sustained GDP growth above the average increase in the population. The accelerated industrialization in the various branches of production. The control of external and domestic debt which were kept on minimum acceptable risk, The social and politic stability, The control of wages and tax increases in order to keep the sound government finances, The protection of the industry by customs duties.

Analyze and answer Read the measures of the Mexican Miracle and answer carefully: What sectors of the population were benefited of the Mexican Miracle? Do you consider the sectors were enough for the economic development of the country? Do you realize that something was missing in order to ensure a healthy future for the inhabitants of a country? What do you think it is missing? Was the education part in this measure? Do you consider that this was important? Why? Are there some measures which are proposed for a healthy future for the inhabitants of a country? Do these measures include the agricultural and farmer sector of the society? Do you consider this sector very important for the optimal impact of the country? Why? Why do you think the Mexican miracle program had not complied with these sectors?

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