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Name: Lauro hernandez


is about ...

Understanding word processing tabs

being able to professionally edit word processing documents with

Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea

Home Tab

Insert Tab

Page Layout Tab

Review Tab

pages:cover page, them:them,colors, clipbord: past, cut proofing:spelling and blank page,page brake, copy,format,painter fonts,effectcts, grammar,reserch,the tables:table font:name,size,grow page setup:margins, thesaurus,wordcout, illustrate:picture, leaguing:translat, shrink,change case, orientation,size,colums clipart,shap,smartart languig clear,formating,bold, brakes,lines number, chart coment:new/deleat italic,underline, hyphenation links:hyperlinks, coment,previus,next comemt strike through, page bakeround:water heder and footer:heder bookmark,cross-referenc tracing,track changes subscript,super mark,page color,page footer,page number finel:show mark up,show, script border text:3text box,quick riveuing pene paragraph:bullets, paragraph:indent left parts,word art,dropcap changes:accept,rejec, numbering,multillevel and right,spaceing befor singhture,line,date and pevius,next list,left center, and after time,object compare:compare right,justified arrange:position,wrap simbol:equation,symbol protect blok auther, alignment,line spacing text,bring,foward,send restrict editing shading,border bakeward,select plane, styles:mormal,no align,group,rotate. spacing,headins 1n2 So what? What is important to understand about this? editing:find replace select knowing wher funchions are loated and whant they do helps make eting quicer and more profeshinal

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