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Malachi then turned around and showed me the shirt that Jesus had sewn for him. With tears streaming down my cheeks, and realizing the gravity of a visit of the Master Himself, and finding out that | was the one to whom Jesus referred, | made a promise to this precious pastor that | would be his sponsor, and he would not go a single month without receiving support from me. was wearing a new expensive Arrow dectolene shirt, which traveling evangelists wore because they were wrinkle-free, wash and wear. | took off my shirt and put in on Malachi. It was after he left, as | was kneeling in prayer by my cot, that the vision came from the Lord. He told me that if | would care for these precious pastors, and house and clothe the homeless and hungry children, and care for the hurting widows, that the Lord would save them and use them as a mighty army to reach their own people with the Gospel. They already knew the language and the customs, and could be far more effective than a missionary from America. Now 37 years later, the vision is as strong and clear as on that day in the room in India. In May of this year, | stopped in Beijing, China, on my way home from my Asian ministry. | had long been aware of the massive population of China, estimated at 1.35 billion, largely unreached with the Gospel and recovering from the oppressive communist rule of Mao Tse Tung. This past year my son gave me a laptop computer to carry, so | could keep in touch with my friends and co-workers around the world. When | checked into my modest hotel room in the heart of Beijing, | saw a sign over the desk, “free high-speed internet”, | started my computer, and soon discovered that all the Christian websites that | could log on to in America, were also wide open in China. Our WFM site, other Christian sites, and even the Bible and Christian verses of songs, could be opened immediately. | was told that the only sites that were filtered and blocked were the pornographic sights with their smut and their filth, coming from America and Europe! Our coun- try used to be the source of goodness and blessing, but now Americans are perceived by even the communist countries, as purveyors of pornography, and they must protect their children and citizens from American filth! The next day | was mingling with the crowds in Tiananmen Square. Most all of the young people could speak English, and they told me that they were online on the internet virtually every day. It was while standing in the area where the communist government tanks had rolled down the streets in 1989 to put down the freedom protests, that had led to hundreds of civilian deaths, that a fresh vision came from God. Realizing that we are now in the age of instant worldwide commu- nication via the internet, and knowing that while a missionary to China could reach only hundreds, a graphically well-designed and hard-hitting Christian evangelistic website could have the potential of reaching hundreds of millions. | saw a vision of millions of Chinese who feel a hunger in their soul for more than material things, being drawn to a new website that explains the plan of salvation and the love of Jesus. This new challenge is still in its infancy, but | am borrowing the talents of Christian young people in my area who are able to develop this new site. Please pray with me that this new vision will soon come into focus, and that youth in China, India, and other Asian nations will be reached for the Lord as we develop the message in their native language. - Dr. Johannes Maas

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