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Arab Spring

By. Brianna

Arab Spring
The Arab Spring is a term for the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests, riots, and civil wars in the Arab world. Began on December 18, 2010. Went on for 3 years, 2 weeks and 3 days. Egypt-Tunisia, Libya, Syria It started when a fruit seller lit himself on fire because of police abuse

Syria War
When & where: 15 March 2011 in Syria. Who: Bashar al-Aassad and the people of Syria. What happened: There was a protest against president Bashar al-Assad. The people demand an end of dictatorship because he was unfair. Al-Assad used his army and police to use acts of violence against the people to stop the protesting.

Syria War

When and where: 15. February 2011. 23. October in Libya. Who: Colonel Moammar Gadhafi and the people of Libya. What happened: The protestors were increasing slowly in size to end the leadership of Colonel Moammar Gadhafi and his replacement by a democratic government. Gadhafi ordered his military and police force to take over the protestors as he would not back down. Even without a fly zone Gadhafi still killed a mass amount of protestors. Also many innocent people died trying to get better rights for their country.

Libya Photos

When and where: 18 December 2010 14 January 20 in Tunisia. Who: Zine el-Abidie Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak. What happened: Crowds of people demanded for Zine el-Abidie Ben Ali to step down. The protestors were successful and brought Ben Ali and his family from the country on January 14, 2011. Protestors voiced similar demands for democracy on the country's president Hosni Mubarak on January 26, 2011. The size of protestors increased from a few thousand to one million. The news soon spread and got support from other countries, young and old, men and women, Muslims, and Christians, middle class professionals and urban and rural workers. By the time of February 11, 2011 he finally bowed down and there were celebrations all over.

Egypt Photos

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