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No Phones Allowed

Think of as many places/situations as you can where you are not allowed to use your mobile phone. Then think about why the use of mobile phones is banned in these cases. What would be the consequences if you were caught?! Place/situation where mobile phone use banned Reason for ban Consequence of being caught using mobile phone
Use of mobile phone within car had been shown to cause more accidents. Use of mobile phone within a cinema can interfere with the showing of the film. -any teenagers use their phone whilst crossing the road but in the end it may end bad. !ou can get an automatic fi"ed penalty notice if you#re caught using a hand$held phone while dri ing or riding. !ou#ll get % penalty points on your licence and a fine of &'((. !our case could also go to court and you could be disqualified from dri ing or riding and get a ma"imum fine of &')(((. Dri ers of buses or goods ehicles could get a ma"imum fine of &*)+((.

Use of phone whilst Dri ing

Using your phone whilst watching a film in the cinema

,n your phone whilst crossing the road

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