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LONG REACH CHURCH OF GOD MOMs IN TOUCH firistian fella i ipive crc ure Sesame Place Capprig® 958-1959, Childe Television Woe, Secsne Stes Muppets (1926 1228s Te Haan Compaw ‘We will sparingly use bake sales to raise money for a trip this summer to Sesame Place will coordinate those dates [OT UE as THEY are chosen with the Church. Need will De working on the newslewer, Please submit 10 them any of your ideas from recipes to encouraging words to scriptures. This is OUR newsletter We need your input to make ita successEul one. OCTOBER 2061 Welcome Welcome to all the new end returning moms. This year will be packed with lots of fun for you and your little one. There willbe several guest speakers, fun Field trips and an opportunity to minister to new moms. There will also be plenty of activities geared toward reaching out to our commnnity I'm truly excited about what God is going to do this year in Moms InTouch. Let's be open to the holy spirit that we might be used of God like never before Blessings, a Many of us remember Af ‘what is was lice to have“ s8 a new baby in the house, There is are: joy in holding close the litle person that God has entrusted to your care, But many tite with the joy there also comes fatigue and frustration in trying to care fora demanding newborn when your own body aceds time to heal. Tt becomes expecielly difficult when there are other small children in the house who went your attention. Ifyouknow ofany expecting mothers or mothers with new babies at home please contact. so that we can feach outta them Trean be alonely time for some moms and we would like to help turn more of those times into times of rest, renewal, and pleasant memories

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