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Building Procedures Day 1: 1. We first went to Home Depot and purchased materials. 2. We organized Nicks garage to work.

We then pulled out all the

necessary tools like drills and saws.

3. Next, we laid out the sheet of wood, measure and marked lines
for all the different faces for the box figure which was the dispenser.


We used the left over wood to create a slanted piece of wood to go in the box that would let the food fall down to the hole that we would later create. make a box. We used wood glue to help keep the wood together. We kept the lid and bottom unattached.

5. I held the pieces together as Nick drilled the faces together to 6. We drilled holes in the lid and one face so that the lid would
attach by a door hinge.

7. The bottom stayed unattached because we had to put the switch

box with it and make a slit for the power cord. We then attached the bottom piece.

Day 2: 1. Today, we attached the motor to the slanted piece of wood. We

connected the wires to the switch box.


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