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By uiio Katsimbiakis
}anuaiy 14, 2u14

Technology-baseu ieal estate
biokei Reufin has publisheu its
yeaily list of ieal estate
neighboihoous to watch in the
coming yeai. To aiiive at the
numbeis, Reufin analyzeu
hunuieus of millions site pages
its useis vieweu anu favoiiteu in
2u1S (as compaieu with 2u12),
anu combineu the iesulting
statistics with human
expeiience anu insight fiom
ovei a uozen top ieal estate
specialists acioss the countiy.

The list can be founu to the iight. As one can see, the top ten cities can be founu in states all
ovei the 0S, fiom Califoinia to Washington BC, fiom Texas to Illinois, fiom Coloiauo anu
Nevaua to 0iegon anu Washington, anu even ueoigia.

While histoiically theie's been a coiielation between populaiity anu factois such as quality
of schools, abunuance of scenic paiks, anu piesence of fashionable iestauiants, this past
yeai's iepoit shows that people these uays aie incieasingly looking, above all else, foi a
quick commute anu a low piice. All of the top neighboihoous have ielatively lowei piices
anu aie eithei a shoit uiive to the city oi veiy close to a commutei iailway. Foi example,
#1-ianking Beinal Beights Noith Slope anu #2-ianking Eagle Rock both boast a small town
feel, even though they'ie in the miuule of San Fiancisco anu Los Angeles,
iespectively. Neanwhile, Noiningsiue-Lenox Paik is the new alteinative Atlanta
neighboihoou viiginia Bighlanu, anu 0ppei Chevy Chase is the new alteinative to
ueoigetown anu Capitol Bill.

At the same time, this infoimation is somewhat self-selecting. It's all coming fiom the
customeis of one website, customeis who might be pieuisposeu to put convenience at a
high piioiity. I iecommenuing getting moie than one opinion befoie uiawing any
conclusions, but Reufin ceitainly has a novel appioach to geneiate ieal estate investment
insights, anu it's woith paying attention to.

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