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The Catcher in the Rye (Clothing)

Madisen, Kelsey Tanner, Justin Pierce, & Sean

Hunters Hat

Red Bought in New York Gave it to Phoebe and towards the end she gave it back for him to wear. He sits in the rain with it on and the hat provides a lot of protection. Usually, Holden wears it backwards or with the flap down. This symbolized that he is in pain. When he has the flap down over his eyes it shows that he is covering up the pain because he is blinded by his brothers death. He never dealt with this death and don't know how to handle it.

Mr Antolini's Jacket

Mr. Antolini is the only one that places his jacket over James Castle and picks him up to the school in infirmary. He was trying to protect James Castle and hide the

"...He didn't even give a damn if his coat got all bloody." (Salinger 174) Covered in James' blood- which is the color red

Jane's Sweater

Color- red and white stripes Rainy day- not needed Wanted to be 'comfortable'

Gave her "protection" from her uncle

Didn't want to be revealing

Turtleneck Sweater

James Castle asked to borrow sweater Holden wasn't for sure if he wanted to, but he lent it to him James committed suicide in it As he lay on the concrete, the sweater became covered in blood, which is red

RED-pain/wound Whenever Holden wore it backwards over

eyes- the pain was worse
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He was almost blinded with the pain(red hunting hat-pain) Tries to fight it until he releases the pain by taking off the hat (finally happy)

The blood seeping out of James Castle represents the pain he went through
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Jacket tried to cover the pain The blood still seeping through the jacket=The pain was still noticeable Mr. Antolini tried to help the cause

RED-pain\wound Jane's striped sweater


She put on the sweater to hide the pain of the sexual abuse The stripes represents the pain showing through Holden could still tell she was uncomfortable, even though she tried to keep it hidden by the white stripes

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