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Maribelle O.

Pragados L-130035/ 1C Kingdom of God according to Matthew As Jesus moved on from there, he saw a man named Matthew at his seat in the custom-house, and he said to him, Follow me! Mt 9:9 Who is Jesus to Matthew? Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Prophecies, the most awaited Savior and messiah. Through his gospel, Matthew continuously assures the people not to be troubled because the messiah that will fulfill Gods promises has arrived. Often time he cited text in th e Old Testament to prove that Christians are the true heirs of the people of the covenant. Matthew is also fascinated that Jesus initially presented himself as a preacher, as a teacher of Scriptures. He builds his gospel around the five discourses: (1) The New Law Mt 5-7, the sermons and Ten Commandments. (2) Instructions to Missionaries Mt 10, The twelve apostles and their mission Go and proclaim this message: The kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse the lepers and drive out the demons. You receive this as a gift, so give it as a gift. Mt 10: 7-8 (3) Parables of the Kingdom Mt 13, through this parables Jesus had spread his wisdom and through those wisdom fulfilled the words of the prophets. (4) Admonitions of the Christian community Mt 18, seven (7) is the perfect number The Son of Man has come to save the lost Mt 18:11 Then Peter asked him, Lord how many times must I forgive the offenses of my brother or sister? Seven Times? Jesus answered, No, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Mt 18:21-22 (5) The Future of the Church Mt 23-25, the teachers of Law. It can be observed in Matthews way of writing that he is passionate to the laws of the kingdom of heaven. He puts emphasis on the teachings and wills of the Father as Jesus has revealed. Obedience to the wills of the Father is the means by which he purifies and strengthens our faith. Jesus guides the people in their destiny and of his church. Ref: (2010) Christian Community Bible: Catholic Pastoral Edition p. 1301-1374

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