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Day 3 CCS Purpose & Passion Teachers Training November 14, 2012 Pastor danao b afuang Joshua ministry

ry jesus offers salvation hope Email PNPA PMA cadets Adopt a cadet ministry Bless our cops and soldiers -establish friendship/connections with the uniformed Contact 0910-6975089 Ptr. Ian Old testament narrative Basic parts of narrative Character Lot Plot resolution Final word one crucial thing to keep in mind is the presence of god in the narrative Narrative show the history of gods of plan of redemption The thing is not to moralize a passage but Genesis 22:1-14 Key observations Author Mose Intended audience Hebrews/Israelites came out from Egypt These things are very often missed/when you received letter-from whom? The age of Abraham The age of Isaac Gen 1-11 Moses talks about creation 12-50 The genealogy of Israel and how they become a nation 22:1=14- inserted story the next story will have to be connected on the story of Abraham and Isaac Group3This was meant to test ab, I is one and only son whom he love

Commanded I to sac, Ab obeyed and went to Mt M Took 3 days to reach Mt M They will just worship God at Mt M Baby sacrifice is the practice of pagan nations around them Test of faith its detestable before god and why is it that he is asking Abraham to do it do you really want me to do it might be the question of Abraham to himself v. 5 it was an ultimate test of worship worship is complte sacrifice -what would I have to offer think situation be in the picture Afternoon session 1 pm Elder Noel Genre Prophets Consider team teaching like what ccs purpose and pass is doing Pick up what is applicable The law

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