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SAO PAULO, Brazil -- After meeting with representatives from Brazil's widespread protest movement, President Dilma Ro sseff

on !onda" proposed a national ple#is$ite to reform Brazil%s politi$al s"stem& 'he move ma" help nder$ t $laims she has not #een s ffi$ientl" responsive to the demonstrations that have #ro ght tho sands of people to the streets in vario s $ities in re$ent da"s& !ore protests were planned for ' esda"& () want to, right now, propose a de#ate aro nd $alling a pop lar ple#is$ite to a thorize a spe$ifi$ $onstit ent pro$ess to $arr" o t the politi$al reform the $o ntr" needs so m $h,* Ro sseff said in Brasilia, the $apital&'he spe$ifi$s of the referend m wo ld #e defined later, # t it wo ld pro#a#l" ta$+le $ampaign finan$e and asso$iated $orr ption, said ,oao A g sto de -astro .eves, a politi$al anal"st at the / rasia 0ro p in 1ashington& Ro sseff also anno n$ed s pport for new legislation that wo ld assign harsher penalties for $orr ption, one of the spe$ifi$ demands of protests that $ontin ed after the $ities of Sao Pa lo and Rio de ,aneiro & 2ind the ver#s and sa" what time the" are& find the ad3e$tives also4 write 5 words that "o never saw #efore or "o saw few times

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