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Thematic Analysis of Family Family is the centerpiece of The God of Small Things.

However, at times, this centerpiece is not so pretty. Just like a real family there are complex relationships and situations in the family. Unconditional love can be found as well as obligated love towards one another. No matter how the love between each family member comes across, they are still one large family. In The God of Small Things we see the theme of family in complex relationships, unconditional love, and unfortunate separation. While starting to read this novel it is very hard to understand the relation of this large family. Ammu is the mother fraternal twins, Estha and Rahels. Their father was abusive towards Ammu forcing her to move in with her blind grandmother, Mammachi and Ammus great aunt, Baby Kocahamma. Ammus brother Chacko is also present throughout the novel. His English ex-wife, Margaret and daughter, Sophie Mol, come to visit in the novel. Although Chacko is Sophie Mols real father, she repeatedly tells him that she believes that her deceased stepfather Joe, is her real dad and that she loves him much more. This is hard for Chacko, especially since he loves Sophie Mol and Margaret with all his heart, even though they both dont reciprocate the feeling. Estha and Rahel look up to Chacko and seek his love, especially since they do not have a father figure in their life. Chacko does love Estha and Rahel very much, however, they both know that he loves Sophie Mol and Margaret more. Baby Kochamma is viewed as the enemy to the twins and vice versa. Baby Kochamma is never nice to the twins and is very self-center when it comes to her choices. Ammu is a rock for the children. They look up to her and love her unconditionally. However, sometimes she gets caught up in her own love, Velutha and gets upset that her obligations to the twins keeps her from being with him. Despite some of

these situations, she still loves her son and daughter and does things in the best interest of them. Despite all of these complexities in these different relationships there is one relationship that demonstrates complete unconditional love. There is never and will never be another relationship and love like Estha and Rahels. Being fraternal twins they are already extremely close. They spend almost all of time together, they tell each other everything, and they even share some thoughts. Now all these years later, Rahel has a memory of waking up one night giggling at Esthas funny dream. She has other memories too that she has no right to have (Roy 5). We see other examples of Rahels ability to remember things that happen to Estha, like the taste of one of his sandwiches he ate one afternoon. This incredible connection cannot be explained, but it shows how close they are. Both Estha and Rahel can also feel each others presence. An example of this is when Estha comes back to Ayemenem and Baby Kochamma did not even have to tell Rahel that Estha has re-Returned. It is obvious through how much they know and understand each other that they love each other unconditionally. Even though their relationship might be complex, especially after they had sex, no one will fully understand it beside Estha and Rahel. If two people have a love like this, why would it ever be separated? Unfortunately, Estha and Rahel both experienced a horrible separation. After Sophie Mols death, Estha is sent back to his father to learn his business while Rahel is ordered to stay behind with her mother. Even though they were forced to live without one another they will always be together in spirit. However, this separation does create the opportunity for them to change. Estha is no longer speaking and has mastered the art of blending in with the background. Rahel married and moved to the United States, only to experience an

unfulfilling relationship and soon get a divorced. Both of their separate experiences shows the reader that their one and only true family is when they are with each other. Family is everything in this novel. Even with their complicated relationships they are a family. Each member of the family has been through a lot together. Some have made decisions for the betterment of the family and some for their own selfish reasons. Estha and Rahel share the unconditional love towards one another while they both feel obligated to love Baby Kochamma. Even as close of a family as they are, one death, the death of Sophie Mol can tear the closest relationships apart. However, the love and family shown in this book survived the separation and in its own way came back stronger than before. Even as confusing and complex this family is, they are still a family, and that seems to be the center of their story.

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