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Lauren Moran Ms. Bridget Cont.

English 1st hour 6 November, 2013

Journal #3 From watching this movie The College Perceptive what I have learned from it was that when applying for early admission aspect not to get into that college or be accepted because usually the chances are vary. Also from watching this movie I learned that the process of the admissions department is long and many people apply for that certain college and people dont get accepted because they are looking for a person that would be good for their community and it doesnt really matter about the test scores and more on extra-curricular activities. From watching this movie what I was most surprised about was how the admission department goes through this long process and I didnt know that they read every single admission letter sent in and also how they have meetings on evaluating each letter. What I thought about the individuals stories was that they were all different, and that not every one of them got accepted into Georgetown the college that they were applying to. Only one student went to Georgetown the other two students were accepted but didnt want to go to that college they change their mind.

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