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[79] Therefore it is fitting to consider those most happy who have closed their lives in risking them for

the greatest and noblest ends; not committing their career to chance, nor awaiting the death that comes of itself, but selecting the fairest one of all. or ! say their memory can never grow old, while their honor is every man"s envy. [#$] %f their nature it comes that they are mourned as mortal, of their valor that they are lauded as immortal. Thus you see them given a public funeral, and contests of strength and knowledge and wealth& held at their tomb; because we think that those who have fallen in war are worthy of receiving the same honors as the immortals. 'o !, indeed, call them blessed in their death, and envy them; ! hold that for those alone amongst men is it worth while to be born who, having received mortal bodies, have left behind an immortal memory arising from their valor. (evertheless, we must needs follow our ancient customs, and observe our ancestral law by bewailing those who are now being buried.

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