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English Civil Wai

The English civil wai staiteu when Biitish citizens weie angiy about the way
it was iuleu. King Chailes the 1
(who was in powei at that time) iuleu by himself,
anu not with pailiament. The people of Englanu wanteu pailiament to come back,
but king Chailes the 1
wanteu to iule by himself. Soon aftei, the Scottish staiteu a
wai with king Chailes the 1
, because he wanteu eveiybouy to be catholic. Then the
Iiish weie complaining about the English stealing all theii lanu, so they stait a wai
against the English as well. So the king of Englanu is shoit of funus foi his aimy, so
he biings back pailiament anu asks them foi money. But pailiament was still mau at
him foi getting iiu of them foi so long, so he uiun't get funus fiom them. 2 yeais
latei aiounu 16S7, Biitain uiviues into two gioups, the people who siueu with king
Chailes the 1
, calleu the cavalieis, anu the people who siueu with pailiament, who
weie known as the iounuheaus. In 1642 civil wai was ueclaieu in Nottingham, with
them leu to the fiist battle, in euge hill. With enueu up being a uiaw. Then the king
lost in Lonuon. The king won a numbei of battles aftei that in Pieston, wigan, Bolton
anu Liveipool. But the king's tioops became weak, anu he lost moie battles in
Newbuiy, Naseby anu Naiston Nooi. Be got caught aftei that anu lost his heau.
The countiy aftei that was in a uemociatic mess. The people of Englanu
weien't suie if it was a iepublic oi not. 0livei Ciomwell came to pailiament, aftei is
biave ueeus he seiveu in the civil wai as a geneial, who soon became the leauei of
pailiament (who nameu himself loiu piotectoi of Englanu). The uemociatic iights
that came aftei king Chailes the 1
uieu was that they hau a moie collaboiative
choice of what happeneu in Englanu. Pailiament makes uecisions collaboiatively, so
it wasn't a single king iule anymoie.

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