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Week 2 ATL WOD 2 The Gripper Complete for time: 45 Kettle Bell Swings (55/35 lbs) 5 Toes 2 Bar/

ar/ Knees 2 Elbows (male/female) 40 Kettle Bell Swings 10 Toes 2 Bar/ Knees 2 Elbows 30 Kettle Bell Swings 20 Toes 2 Bar / Knees 2 Elbows WOD CAP: 10 mins. There are 150 reps in this WOD. For every uncompleted rep. 1 second will be add to the athletes time. Ex. 15 uncompleted reps = time of 10:15 Movement Standards Kettle Bell Swing Bottom Position: The bell must clearly pass between the athletes legs. Top Position: Athletes knees and hips must be fully open. Arms must be fully extended with the athletes biceps in line with their ears.

Toes 2 Bar (men) Start Position: Athlete Hanging, Elbows Straight, Feet off the ground Bottom Position: Athletes heels must break the vertical line of the pullup rig. Top Position: Any parts of the athletes feet are allowed to touch the bar. Both feet must touch at the same time. Foot contact must be made between the athletes hands on the bar. Knees 2 Elbows (women) Start Position: Athlete Hanging, Elbows Straight, Feet off the ground Bottom Position: Athletes heels must break the vertical line of the pullup rig. Top Position: Knees contact elbows. Contact must happen at the same time.

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