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A Commonsense Guide To

Kenneth E. Hagin

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this volume are rom the King James Version o the !i"le.

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'n the U.S. write0 Kenneth Hagin 1inistries 1inistries $.2. !o3 4(%+Tulsa, 2K ,.%4()(%+2ntario

'n Canada write0 Kenneth Hagin $.2. !o3 //4 'slington 5Toronto6, Canada, 1&A .7/

Cop8right 9 %&*% :HE1A !i"le Church AKA Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, 'nc. All :ights :eserved $rinted in USA The ;aith Shield is a trademar< o :HE1A !i"le Church, AKA Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, 'nc., registered with the U.S. $atent and Trademar< 2 ice and there ore ma8 not "e duplicated.

BOOKS BY KENNETH E. HAGIN *Redeemed From Pover !" Si#$ness and S%iri &a' (ea ) **)a Fai ) Is *Seven Vi a' S e%s To Re#eiving )e Ho'! S%iri *Rig) and *rong T)in$ing Pra!er Se#re s *A& )ori ! o+ )e Be'iever 5 oreign onl86 *Ho, To T&rn Yo&r Fai ) -oose T)e Ke! o S#ri% &ra' Hea'ing Pra!ing To Ge Res&' s T)e Presen .(a! /inis r! o+ Jes&s 0)ris T)e Gi+ o+ Pro%)e#! Hea'ing Be'ongs o 1s T)e Rea' Fai ) *T)e In er#eding 0)ris ian Ho, Yo& 0an Kno, )e *i'' o+ God /an on T)ree (imensions T)e H&man S%iri T&rning Ho%e'ess Si &a ions Aro&nd 0as ing Yo&r 0ares 1%on )e -ord Seven S e%s +or J&dging Pro%)e#! Fai ) Food +or A& &mn Fai ) Food +or *in er Fai ) Food +or S%ring Fai ) Food +or S&mmer *T)e Ne, Bir ) **)! Tong&es2 *In Him *God3s /edi#ine *Yo& 0an Have *)a Yo& Sa! Ho, To *ri e Yo&r O,n Ti#$e *i ) God 4(on3 B'ame God * *ords P'ead Yo&r 0ase *Ho, To Kee% Yo&r Hea'ing -a!ing on o+ Hands A Be er 0ovenan Having Fai ) in Yo&r Fai ) Five Hindran#es o Gro, ) in Gra#e *)! (o Peo%'e Fa'' 1nder )e Po,er2 T)e Bi5'e *a! To Re#eive )e Ho'! S%iri God'iness Is Pro+i a5'e I *en o He'' T)ree Big *ords O5edien#e in Finan#es His Name S)a'' Be 0a''ed *onder+&' Pa&'3s Reve'a ion6 T)e Gos%e' o+ Re#on#i'ia ion Ho, To *a'$ in -ove T)e Pre#io&s B'ood o+ Jes&s -ove Never Fai's Ho, God Ta&g) /e A5o& Pros%eri ! -earning To Forge T)e 0oming Res ora ion T)e Gi+ s and 0a''ing o+ God Signs o+ )e Times -earning To F'o, *i ) )e S%iri o+ God T)e G'or! o+ God

Hear and Be Hea'ed Kno,ing *)a Be'ongs o 1s *Ne, T)res)o'ds o+ Fai ) *Prevai'ing Pra!er o Pea#e *0on#erning S%iri &a' Gi+ s Bi5'e Fai ) S &d! 0o&rse Bi5'e Pra!er S &d! 0o&rse T)e Ho'! S%iri and His Gi+ s *T)e /inis r! Gi+ s 7S &d! G&ide8 Seven T)ings Yo& S)o&'d Kno, A5o& (ivine Hea'ing E' S)addai 9oe6 T)e God.Kind o+ -i+e A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing /&s 0)ris ians S&++er2 T)e *oman :&es ion T)e Be'iever3s A& )ori ! /inis ering o Yo&r Fami'! *)a To (o *)en Fai ) Seems *ea$ and Vi# or! -os Gro,ing 1%" S%iri &a''! Bodi'! Hea'ing and )e A onemen E;#eeding'! Gro,ing Fai ) 1nders anding )e Anoin ing I Be'ieve in Visions 1nders anding Ho, To Fig) )e Good Fig) o+ Fai ) T)e Ar o+ In er#ession P'ans" P&r%oses" and P&rs&i s Ho, Yo& 0an Be -ed 5! )e S%iri o+ God A Fres) Anoin ing BOOKS BY KENNETH HAG IN JR. */an3s Im%ossi5i'i ! < God3s Possi5i'i ! Be#a&se o+ Jes&s T)e Ke! o )e S&%erna &ra' *Fai ) *or$e ) 5! -ove B'&e%rin +or B&i'ding S rong Fai ) *Seven Hindran#es o Hea'ing *T)e Pas Tense o+ God3s *ord Ho, To /a$e )e (ream God Gave Yo& 0ome Tr&e Fai ) Ta$es Ba#$ *)a )e (evi'3s S o'en 4T)e Prison (oor Is O%en = *)a Are Yo& S i'' (oing Inside24 I #)ing Ears *)ere (o *e Go From Here2 Ho, To Be a S&##ess in -i+e Ge A#=&ain ed *i ) God S)o,do,n *i ) )e (evi' 1n+orgiveness T)e Ans,er +or O%%ression Is Yo&r /ira#'e Passing Yo& B!2 0ommanding Po,er T)e -i+e o+ O5edien#e /inis ering o )e Bro$en)ear ed God3s Irresis i5'e *ord Hea'ing6 Forever Se 'ed (on3 :&i > Yo&r Fai ) *i'' See Yo& T)ro&g) T)e 1n a%%ed Po,er in Praise >These titles are also availa"le in Spanish. 'n ormation a"out other oreign translations o several o the a"ove titles 5i.e., ?utch, ;innish, ;rench, German, 'ndonesian, $olish, :ussian, Swahili, and Swedish6 ma8 "e o"tained "8 writing to0 Kenneth Hagin 1inistries, $.2. !o3 4(%+-, Tulsa, 2<lahoma ,.%4()(%+-.

%. ;asting0 A @oo< at the 2ld Testament .................................... % +. ;asting0 A @oo< at the #ew Testament ................................... 4 /. Ah8 ?oesnBt $aul Tell Us To ;astC .........................%/ .. ;asting and Sel )Control.............................................%, 4. ;asting in 18 @i e ...................................................%& -. $ushing to E3tremes .................................................+4 ,. ?i erent Kinds o ;asts ..........................................+, *. Ahat Can ' Accomplish "8 ;astingC .......................+& &. Setting ;ree the 2ppressed ....................................../4 %(. A ;inal Aord ............................................................./&

'n all the Epistles = the "oo<s o the #ew Testament written to the Church = not one time is the Church told to ast. That doesnBt mean we should not. 1ention is made o asting, "ut no rules are laid down, nor is the Church even encouraged to ast. The reason is, asting is to "e done as the occasion arises. Fas ing does no #)ange God. He is )e same 5e+ore" d&ring" and a+ er !o& +as . !ut asting will change 8ou. 't will help 8ou <eep the lesh under. 't will help 8ou "ecome more sensitive to the Spirit o God. 't is good to ast when things are pressing in upon 8ou and 8ou need to wait on God pra8er ull8. 2r, the @ord ma8 spea< to 8ou and lead 8ou to ast. ' the @ord la8s a ast on 8our heart, do itD He has spo<en to me in this manner several times. The longest ' have ever asted, however, is three da8s. The !i"le lists these reasons or asting0 %(.To minister to the @ord. %%.To la8 hands on ministers to send them orth. %+.To draw close to God in times o danger. These are the scriptural reasonsE 8ou donBt need to ast to de eat the devil. Fesus alread8 won that victor8 or us. :emem"ering this, we can use asting sensi"l8 to <eep the "od8 under. The ollowing pages will show the script) ural "asis or this commonsense approach to asting.

Chapter 1 Fasting: A Look at the Old Testament

;asting has in all ages and among all nations "een an e3ercise much in use in times o mourning, sorrow, and a lictions. Get there is no !i"le e3ample o asting to "e seen "e ore the time o 1oses. Although the !i"le doesnBt sa8 so, it is presumed that the patriarchs o old asted until 1osesB time. 5Ae <now this "ecause there was a great deal o mourning among people o the 2ld Covenant.6 't is interesting to notice that 1oses enHoined no parti) cular ast in his ive "oo<s, e3cept upon the solemn ?a8 o Atonement. 'n @eviticus +/0+,, 1oses tal<s a"out >a lict) ing 8our souls.> 'n He"rew this means, >Ge shall hum"le 8oursel deepl8 "e ore God inwardl8 "8 sorrow, and "8 Hudging and loathing 8ourselvesE and outwardl8 "8 asting and a"stinence rom all carnal com orts and delights.> This ast is the on'! one 1oses enHoins, although the Fews did ast at other times or periods o +. hours0 rom the sundown o one da8 to the sundown o the ne3t. Since the time o 1oses, e3amples o asting have "een Common among the Fews. A ter 'sraelBs de eat at AA, Foshua and the leaders la8 on their aces "e ore God until evening 5Fosh. T.-6. 'n ottier words, it was rom morning until eveningE a"out %+ hours.

A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing Fudges +(0+- spea<s o asting until evening, and ;irst Samuel ,.- and Second Samuel %+0%- also give e3amples o asting. S)o&'d /! Goa' Be a ?@.(a! Fas 2 A mista<e man8 people ma<e in teaching on asting is pic<ing out isolated portions o Scripture and misconstru) ing them. An8 !i"le su"Hect can "e pushed out o conte3t and do more harm than good. Some writers leave the impression ever8one should go on a .()da8 ast. The8 use the illustration that 1oses asted .( da8s on 1ount Hore". !ut consider this0 1oses was in the ver8 presence o God. ' 8ou were on a mountain in the presence o God, tal<ing to Him, 8ou pro"a"l8 could go without ood and water .( da8s, tooD E3odus /.0+* sa8s, 4And )e ,as )ere ,i ) )e -ord +or ! da!s and +or ! nig) sA )e did nei )er ea 5read" nor drin$ ,a er. And )e ,ro e &%on )e a5'es )e ,ords o+ )e #ovenan " )e en #ommandmen s.4 The Scripture prior to this sa8s God appeared to him. The glor8 o God was there, and 1oses was caught up in it. He could well go without ood or water. #o"od8 can go without water ver8 long unless he is in a supernatural condition. Gou can go without ood, "ut not water. ' 8ouBre caught up in the Spirit and are in the glor8 o God, 8ou also lose all sense o time. Those .( da8s pro"a"l8 seemed li<e a"out %. minutes to 1oses. Sis er /aria *ood,or ).E er" one o+ )e pioneers o the $entecostal movement, was still preaching in a tent )a ,o&'d sea B@"@@@ when she was ,+ 8ears old She

Fas ing6 A -oo$ a )e O'd Tes amen would ill it up and preach without a pu"lic address s8stem. Ahen she ministered, the power o God o ten came upon her as well as upon others in the congregation. ;or e3ample, in one o Sister EtterBs "oo<s she reports that during a tent revival in Shawnee, 2hio, the Spirit o God came upon a woman and the woman la8 under the power o God or eight da8s. ?uring that time she did not ta<e an8 nourishment. At the end o that time, she came up shouting and preaching, telling others o the wonder ul e3perience she had had. #aturall8, an8one caught up in such glor8 could go without ood, water, or an8thing else. 7A (iar! o+ Signs and *onders" Etter, p. %(,.6 Some sa8 EliHah asted .( da8s, "ut actuall8 he didnBt. FeIe"el threatened to cut his head o , so he ran. Aearil8, he clim"ed under a Huniper tree and cried, >Fust let me die. ' would Hust as soon "e deadD> !ut he didnBt want to die an8 more than 8ou would i 8ou had said that. ' he had reall8 wanted to die, he could have sta8ed where he was = FeIe"el would have accommodated himD The @ord came and ministered to him, and the angels ed him. He went in the strength o that angel ood .( da8s. ;irst Kings %&0, sa8s, 4And )e ange' o+ )e -ord #ame again )e se#ond ime" and o&#)ed )im" and said" Arise and ea A 5e#a&se )e Co&rne! is oo grea +or )ee.4 ' an angel came down and ed 8ou, 8ou might "e a"le to go in the strength o that quite a while, too. !ut thatBs not a 5ona +ide ast. Gou canBt use that as an e3ample o someone asting in the natural. The onl8 one whom the !i"le ever said asted .( da8s was Fesus. 'n 1atthew .0+ we read, 4And ,)en )e )ad +as ed +or ! da!s and +or ! nig) s" )e ,as a+ er,ard an )&ngered.4 There is a clue here. 1atthew .0% sa8s he was

A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing 4'ed &% o+ )e s%iri in o )e ,i'derness o 5e em% ed o+ )e devi'.4 So He was led "8 the Spirit and ministered to "8 angels. Again, thatBs not a 5ona +ide ast.

Chapter 2 Fasting: A Look at the New Testament No,)ere in )e Ne, Tes amen did Jes&s ins i & e an! $ind o+ +as . 'n His commands to His disciples, Fesus never enHoined an8 ast to "e <ept. $aul said he asted, "ut in all his letters to the Church, starting with :omans, )ere is no a sing'e re+eren#e e''ing )e 0)&r#) o +as . AeBre encouraged to pra8, "ut in con) nection with demon activit8, healing, or an8thing else, we are not told to ast. Fas ing" )en" m&s no 5e as im%or an as some %eo%'e ,o&'d 'ead !o& o 5e'ieve. There would have to "e some <ind o instruction to the Church i it wereD There are instructions on the gi ts o the Spirit, pra8ing, and giving, "ut none on asting. @etBs go to the our Gospels and loo< at some things Fesus said a"out asting. @UKE 40//)/4 %/.And the8 said unto him, Ah8 do the disciples o Fohn ast o ten, and ma<e pra8ers, and li<ewise the disciples o the $hariseesE "ut thine eat and drin<C %..And he said unto them, Can 8e ma<e the children o the "ridecham"er ast, while the "ridegroom is with themC %4.!ut the da8s will come, when the "ridegroom shall "e ta<en awa8 rom them, and then shall the8 ast in those da8s. At one point Fesus did leave the disciples, "ut He did come "ac<, and HeBs with us toda8.

A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing 4A%%ear No 1n o /en To Fas 4 Ae read in 1atthew - something else Fesus said a"out asting0 MATTHEW 6:16-18 %-.Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hy o!r"tes, of a sa# !o$ntenan!e: for they #"sf"%$re the"r fa!es, that they &ay a ear $nto &en to fast' (er")y I say $nto yo$, They have the"r rewar#' %,.*$t tho$, when tho$ fastest, ano"nt th"ne hea#, an# wash thy fa!e+ %*.That tho$ a ear not $nto &en to fast, b$t $nto thy Father wh"!h "s "n se!ret: an# thy Father, wh"!h seeth "n se!ret, sha)) rewar# thee o en)y' 'n m8 opinion, a person who tal<s a"out how long he asts and encourages others to ast a long time is a h8po) crite. ' held a meeting once or a man and his wi e. The pastorBs wi e was also a minister. She got up ever8 night and said something li<e, >'Bm on the i th da8 o m8 ast. ' wonder i there are those who will Hoin meC> 't would have helped Hust as much i she had twiddled her thum"s and said, >'Bm on the i th da8 o twiddling m8 thum"s.> As ar as God was concerned, she had lost all her reward. Even though ' was asting, ' never pu"licl8 Hoined her, "ecause ' didnBt want to appear unto men to ast. There ma8 "e certain occasions when 8ou would solicit the church to ast as the @ord would lead 8ou. !ut what she was doing was getting up and "ragging ever8 night a"out hersel . ' we go around "ragging a"out how much we pra8 and how long we ast, thatBs not good. Fesus said not to appear unto men to ast. To me, that would mean donBt let them <now it. ?o it as unto God, 8our ;ather, in secret. And 8our

Fas ing6 A -oo$ a )e Ne, Tes amen ;ather who sees in secret will reward 8ou openl8. Fas ing in )e Boo$ o+ A# s

The Aord o God mentions asting again in ActsE nevertheless, there is no direction given to the Church on when to ast. The !i"le sa8s in Acts %( that Cornelius was asting. He wasnBt even saved at this time. !ut "eing a Fewish prosel8te, he naturall8 asted "ecause the Fews did. A-TS 1.:/. /. An# -orne)"$s sa"#, Fo$r #ays a%o I was fast"n% $nt") th"s ho$r+ an# at the n"nth ho$r I raye# "n &y ho$se, an# beho)#, a &an stoo# before &e "n br"%ht !)oth"n%'00 That was an angel, o course, who told him to send or $eter in Foppa to come and preach to them. Since Corne) lius was a Fewish prosel8te, we canBt count that as a re erence to mem"ers o the Church asting. He wasnBt saved until $eter came. As ' studied this, ' was amaIed at how little asting is mentioned in the !i"le. Ae do have urther re erences in Acts %/ and %.. Acts %.0+/ sa8s, 4And ,)en )e! )ad ordained )em e'ders in ever! #)&r#)" and )ad %ra!ed ,i ) +as ing" )e! #ommended )em o )e -ord" on ,)om )e! 5e'ieved.4 Here elders were "eing ordained. 'tBs good or people to ast and miss one meal. 't is a good thing to ast "e ore 8ou pra8 or the sic<. !ut it doesnBt mean the apostles went on a long ast. 'n Acts %/ something similar happened. 'n the irst verse, ive prophets and teachers are mentioned. Among

A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

them were Saul 5$aul6, and !arna"as. As these ive men ministered to the @ord and asted, the Hol8 Spirit said, 4Se%ara e me Barna5as and Sa&' +or )e ,or$ ,)ere&n o I )ave #a''ed )em4 5v. +6. Jerse / sa8s0 4And ,)en )e! )ad +as ed and %ra!ed . . . .4 The8 alread8 mentioned the8 were ministering to the @ord and asting. Ae read this as though the two incidents happened together. !ut evidentl8 that is not true, "ecause it ta<es time to ast again. 't sa8s, 4And ,)en )e! )ad +as ed and %ra!ed and 'aid )eir )ands on )emDDDDD> This pro"a"l8 too< place over a period o time. The8 too< some time to wait on God. Again, asting didnBt change God. !ut it did help them "ecome more sensitive to the Hol8 Spirit. ?id 8ou <now spiritualists astC The8 are in contact with demons and evil spirits, and the8 "elieve asting helps them "ecome more sensitive to evi' s%iri s. That is the reason the devil gets to wor<ing on some people when the8 start asting = especiall8 when the8 tr8 to ast or long periods o time. GouBve got to realiIe there are man8 spirits in the spirit world. Ae ind two other re erences to asting in Acts +,. 4No, ,)en m&#) ime ,as s%en " and ,)en sai'ing ,as no, dangero&s" 5e#a&se )e +as ,as no, a'read! %as " Pa&' admonis)ed )em. . . > 5Acts +,0&6. Ahen $aul sa8s the ast was over and sailing was dangerous, he is re er ) ring to the second da8 o the tenth month = the time o Atonement = which was a time o asting. 1an8 Fews in the Earl8 Church, even though the8 were "orn again and Spirit illed, still <ept the traditions o the Fewish religion. $ra8er was more o a struggle under the 2ld Covenant, "ecause Fesus hadnBt come and conquered

Fas ing6 A -oo$ a )e Ne, Tes amen the devil. 'n the //rd and /.th verses o that same chapter it sa8s, 4And ,)i'e )e da! ,as #oming on" Pa&' 5eso&g) )em a'' o a$e mea " sa!ing" T)is is )e +o&r een ) da! )a !e )ave arried and #on in&ed +as ing" )aving a$en no )ing. *)ere+ore I %ra! !o& o a$e some mea 6 +or )is is +or !o&r )ea' )6 +or )ere s)a'' no an )air +a'' +rom )e )ead o+ an! o+ !o&.4 2 ten the !i"le uses the word >meat> to stand or ood. The ship had sailed and weathered a storm, and $aul was in erring he didnBt want them to go too long without ood. He said, >This is or 8our health.> Jerse /4 sa8s, 4And ,)en )e )ad )&s s%o$en" )e oo$ 5read" and gave )an$s o God in %resen#e o+ )em a''6 and ,)en )e )ad 5ro$en i " )e 5egan o ea .4 An angel o the @ord had appeared to him and told him the8 were all going to "e saved. ' repeat0 There are no instructions given to the Church to tell them to ast or not to ast. The records we have in Acts show that the apostles ministered to the @ord and asted, and it seems the @ord would "e pleased i we would set aside some time Hust to minister to Him. ' 8ou ast and donBt minister to the @ord, it might not do 8ou too much good. !ut asting will give 8ou that e3tra time to wait on God. At the same time, it will help 8ou <eep the lesh under. Yo& /&s Have a P&r%ose As mentioned "e ore, it seems in the #ew Testament that people asted under these conditions0 to minister to the @ord, to ordain men to the ministr8, or to see< God in


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

times o e3treme danger. Gou alwa8s must have a purpose. ?onBt ast Hust "ecause someone tells 8ou to. (on3 Fas +or Reviva' 'Bve <nown some pastors who tr8 to ast or a revival. !ut as Charles G. ;inne8 said, a revival is no more mirac) ulous than a armerBs reaping a crop. The armer has to till the ground, plant the seed, cultivate, and trust God to send the rain. 5' <now we have irrigation these da8s, "ut we still need rain in the irst place.6 :emem"er that $aul, in writing to the Church at Cor) inth, said0 4I )ave %'an ed" A%o''os ,a eredA 5& God gave )e in#rease4 5% Cor. /0-6. Gou can ast until doomsda8 that God will save souls, "ut i 8ou donBt get out there and witness to people, preach salvation, and >go into all the world and preach the Gospel to ever8 creature,> no"od8 will get saved = and ' donBt care how long 8ou ast. No,)ere in S#ri% &re did )e! +as +or a reviva'. #o) where did the8 ast or a might8 move o God. Ahat did the8 doC ;irst, the8 ministered to the @ord. The8 werenBt pra8ing the8Bd get somethingE the8 Hust wanted to ta<e time to visit with the @ord. 'Bm sure the8 ministered to Him li<e the !i"le said0 4Be no dr&n$ ,i ) ,ine ,)erein is e;#essA 5& 5e +i''ed ,i ) )e S%iri A S%ea$ing o !o&rse'ves in %sa'ms and )!mns and s%iri &a' songs" singing and ma$ing me'od! in !o&r )ear o )e -ord4 5Eph. 40%*,%&6. Ahen ' was in revival meetings 'Bd spend the whole da8 5we didnBt have da8 services in some o the churches6 in the church "uilding. ' would "e wal<ing up and down the aisle, reading m8 !i"le around the altar, pra8ing, and minister)

Fas ing6 A -oo$ a )e Ne, Tes amen


ing to the @ord. ' Hust set that time aside to minister to the @ord. Second, the8 asted in !i"le times to la8 hands on ministers to send them orth. And third, the8 asted in times o e3treme danger. ' ' had an emergenc8 come up, ' would "egin to ast and pra8 to get an answer. ' never asted as long as three ull da8s, "ecause ' alwa8s got m8 answer. ' too< e3tra time to wait on God, to pra8, and the answer would come in various wa8s. ' ' had a spiritual question, or e3ample, ' would get the revelation.

Chapter 3 To Fast&

h! "oesn#t Pa$l Tell %s

Again, there are no instructions telling the Church to ast. $aul, in writing to the Church at Corinth, ma<es re er) ence to the act that he asted, although he doesnBt encour) age the Corinthians to ast or give them an8 direction a"out it. He sa8s0 + C2:'#TH'A#S -0.,4 %&. !ut in all things approving ourselves as the ministers o God, in much patience, in a lictions, in necessities, in distresses, +(. 'n stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in la"ours, in watchings, in astings. So we <now $aul did ast. Get he didnBt tell the Church to ast. Some sa8, >!ut donBt we need to ast to get power over the devilC> Fesus Himsel said in the %,th chapter o 1atthew a"out evil spirits that 4 )is $ind goe ) no o& 5& 5! %ra!er and +as ing.4 Ges, He said that. !ut, 8ou see, Fesus hadnBt died 8et. Ahen He died and was raised to newness o li e, He soundl8 de eated the devil and all his cohorts. Fesus has whipped the devilD 'n ;irst Corinthians weBre told these powers are dethroned powers. Fesus said, 4IN /Y NA/E s)a'' )e! #as o& devi's4 51ar< %-0%,6. Gou donBt have to ast to get the #ame o Fesus. ;asting has no part in casting out devils e3cept that it will help 8ou "ecome more sensitive to the Spirit o God. 't will help 8ou <eep the lesh under. %/


A Commonsense '$ide to Fasting

ThatBs wh8 the Epistles #on2t te)) us anyth"n% in this area' 3es$s sa"#, after He arose fro& the #ea#, 4Go !e in o a'' )e ,or'd" and %rea#) )e gos%e'4 51ar< %-0%46. He said to tell the Good #ewsE tell people 8ouBre delivered rom sin. HeBs alread8 done it0 HeBs cancelled all our sins, and He has de eated the devil. :emem"er, 4Ye are o+ God" 'i 'e #)i'dren" and )ave over#ome )em6 5e#a&se grea er is )e )a is in !o&" )an )e )a is in )e ,or'd4 5% Fohn .0.6. He was 8our Su"stitute. Ahat He did is mar<ed up to 8our credit. #o wonder $aul wouldnBt give instructions to the Church on asting. As an aid o %& ing )e +'es) &nder" +as ing )as a rea' %&r%oseA 5& as o #on=&ering )e devi' and sin" Jes&s )as a'read! done i " and ,e are in Him> 'n Ephesians, we are told we have "een quic<ened together with Christ0 E4HESIANS 5:5-6 +%.Where"n "n t"&e ast ye wa)7e# a!!or#"n% to the !o$rse of th"s wor)#, a!!or#"n% to the r"n!e of the ower of the a"r, the s "r"t that now wor7eth "n the !h")#ren of #"sobe#"en!e: ++.A&on% who& a)so we a)) ha# o$r !onversat"on "n t"&es ast "n the )$sts of o$r f)esh, f$)f"))"n% the #es"res of the f)esh an# of the &"n#+ an# were by nat$re the !h")#ren of wrath, even as others' +/.*$t Go#, who "s r"!h "n &er!y, for h"s %reat )ove wherew"th he )ove# $s, +..Even when we were #ea# "n s"ns, hath 8$"!7ene# $s to%ether w"th -hr"st' Can 8ou see thatC Fesus was our Su"stitute. 'n Colos) sians +0%4 it sa8s He spoiled principalities and powers. Those are the same principalities and powers we wrestle with in Ephesians -0%+ = and He made a show o them

*)! (oesn3 Pa&' Te'' 1s To Fas 2


openl8, triumphing over them in it. Fesus won a real victor8, and we won that victor8 with Him. So, !o& have overcome them. The !i"le doesnBt sa8, >' 8ouBll ast %. da8s 8ouBll overcome them.> #o, 8ouBve got a right to use the #ame o FesusD That #ame "elongs to 8ou ,)e )er !o& +as or no . And in FesusB #ame 8ouBve got a right to e3ercise authorit8 over demons. $aul, in writing to the Church at Ephesus, said, 4Nei )er give %'a#e o )e devi'4 5Eph. .0+,6. He didnBt sa8, >#ow i 8ouBll ast or a wee< or two or ast three or our da8s .. . .> The devil might ta<e over while 8ou are tr8ing to get in a position to do something. He said not to give the devil an8 place in 8ou. That means he canBt ta<e a place unless 8ou let him. Fames said, 4Resis )e devi'" and )e ,i'' +'ee +rom !o&4 5Fames .0,6. Yo& do it. GouBd have to have the authorit8 over him or 8ou couldnBt do itD Ahat did $eter sa8C 4Be so5er" 5e vigi'an A 5e#a&se !o&r adversar! )e devi'" as a roaring 'ion" ,a'$e ) a5o& " see$ing ,)om )e ma! devo&r4 5% $eter 40*6. Ahat are 8ou going to do a"out itC :esist himD Stand stead ast in the aith.

Chapter ( Fasting and )elf*Control There is something else the #ew Testament sa8s0 % C2:'#TH'A#S ,0.,4 +4.The wi e hath not power o her own "od8, "ut the hus"and0 and li<ewise also the hus"and hath not power o his own "od8, "ut the wi e. +-.?e raud 8e not one the other, e3cept it "e with consent or a time, that 8e ma8 give 8ourselves to ;AST'#G A#? $:AGE:E and come together again, that Satan tempt 8ou not or 8our incontinenc8. Another translation sa8s not to withhold se3ual inter) course rom one another, e3cept it "e with consent, that 8ou ma8 give 8ourselves to +as ing and %ra!er. This is the onl8 re erence to asting and pra8er mentioned in the letters written to the ChurchE 8et notice no particular ast is instituted here. Ae are onl8 made aware that people did ast and pra8. $aul said, >And come together again,> tal<ing a"out hus"and and wi e coming together so Satan couldnBt tempt them > or 8our incontinenc8.> ThatBs plain enough, isnBt itC HereBs something else a"out sel )control and asting. ;rom %&.& through the late B4(s, 'Bd sta8 in parsonages when ' was traveling in the ield ministr8, and ' noticed something0 The pastors who shouted and hollered the most in the church 'ived )e ,ors and asted the least at home. 'n <eeping a record or three or our 8ears ' never could %,


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

ind one o them who could control his emotions. 2ne ellow ' <new could holler the loudest, Hump the highest, and ma<e the most noise o an8one when he was in the pulpit. He actuall8 said to me, >' canBt miss a meal. ' Hust canBt do it.> He would get upset when his wi e didnBt have dinner on the ta"le on time. ' couldnBt enHo8 his shouting to save m8 li e. ' donBt <now whether he Hust got wor<ed up ph8sicall8 or what, "ut ' dou"t i the Spirit o God had ver8 much to do with it. He was living in the lesh. 5#ow, there is a real move o the Spirit, "ut some have never learned the di erence "etween wor<ing something up and that real move thatBs so sweet and "eauti ul.6 ' ollowed m8 procedure o asting while ' was with these ol<s. #aturall8, the8 would invite me to come to the ta"le to eat. ' wouldnBt sa8 ' was asting, "ut 'Bd sa8, >'Bm Hust not eating toda8. ' want to spend a little time pra8) ing.>

Chapter + Fasting in ,! Life Ahen ' was pastor o a ;ull Gospel church in East Te3as, ' was preparing to go one all to a !i"le con erence. The Spirit o God said to me, >;ast the ne3t two da8s, "ecause the8Bre going to as< 8ou to pra8 or the sic< at the meeting.> ' laughed and said, >Ah8, dear @ord, i the8 do that, itBll "e a real switch, "ecause the8Bve got hundreds o preachers. The8Bve never as<ed me to pra8 or testi 8, much less pra8 or the sic<. That couldnBt "e right.> Then ' got to thin<ing a"out it. ' <new ' didnBt thin< that up m8sel . ' didnBt reall8 want to ast. 5Sometimes we as<, >Can that "e GodC 's it the devilC Fust who is tal<ing to meC> AeBve got to learn to evaluate these things.6 ' <new it couldnBt "e the lesh, "ecause the lesh doesnBt want to ast. And it couldnBt "e the devil. The devil wouldnBt encourage 8ou to ast in moderationE however, he might encourage 8ou to go too ar and "rea< 8our "od8 down. 5' <now o a pastor who went on a long ast, didnBt drin< an8 water, "ro<e his "od8 down, and died as a result o it. His idea o asting was entirel8 wrong. He thought he was going to move God.6 Yo&3re no going o move God. He doesn3 move. He3s a'read! %rone o do #er ain )ings" and He3s going o do )em C&s as soon as !o& ge in #on a# ,i ) Him and 'e Him. The ne3t da8 ' went to the !i"le con erence. As ' sat down, the pres"8ter was spea<ing and was read8 to turn 19


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

the meeting over to the district superintendent. 't was in their hands to do the preaching that morning. The pres"8ter said, >' saw !rother Hagin come in and ' didnBt as< an8"od8, "ut the @ord has "een dealing with me to have him hold a healing service tonight. Ae donBt want to intrude on an8 o the services, so weBll start earl8. AeBll give him at least an hour or more to minister to the sic<.> ThatBs the same thing the Spirit had said to me %+( miles awa8. >;ast the ne3t two da8s "ecause the8Bre going to as< 8ou to minister to the sic< at the !i"le con erence.> The @ord did mani est Himsel through me. ;asting made me more sensitive. 't didnBt change GodE God was in the healing "usiness 5e+ore ' asted, ,)i'e ' was asting, and a+ er ' got through asting. 't didnBt prepare God an8= it prepared me. 't helped m8 spirit "ecome more sensitive to His Spirit so His Spirit could mani est Himsel through me. T)e Fas ed -i+e Ahen ' irst went out in the ield ministr8, ' set aside two da8s a wee< = Tuesda8 and Thursda8 = or m8 ast da8s. ' wasnBt led o the @ord to do itE ' Hust asted two da8s a wee<. ' asted +. hours, "ecause that was the wa8 'srael did it. ' too< the e3tra time that ' would have "een eating to pra8. :emem"er, asting will not do 8ou much good i 8ouBre not going to spend e3tra time pra8ing, waiting on God. ' made the greatest spiritual strides 8et in m8 ministr8 during that time o asting two da8s a wee<. ' shut m8sel up in m8 church and spent man8 hours pra8ing. ' said to m8 wi e, >' <now when we eat. ' ' donBt come

Fas ing in /! -i+e


out to eat, donBt send the children a ter me. GouBll <now 'Bm going to s<ip that meal.> ' did quite a "it o asting. ' also did quite a "it o pra8ing, and ' spent that e3tra time in the Aord o God. And o ten = "ecause the church was ne3t door = ' got up and went over in the night to pra8 while ever8one else was asleep. 2ne night ' pra8ed all night long. 1an8 nights ' pra8ed near'! all night long. ' spent time ellowshipping with God, waiting on Him, wal<ing up and down the aisles pra8ing. 5There was enough light rom the streetlight shining through the windows that ' didnBt have to turn the lights on.6 't wasnBt Hust the astingE it was the e3tra time ' too< to wait on God and spend time in His Aord that did something or me spirituall8. ;asting will help <eep the lesh under and ma<e 8ou more sensitive to the Hol8 Spirit. Singers <now this principle. ' the8 eat a "ig meal and tr8 to come out and sing, the8 are "ogged down. $reachers <now that. ThatBs the reason we donBt li<e to eat "e ore we preach. ' we do, we ind we are uncom orta"le and not so spirituall8 sensitive. A ter several 8ears o asting two da8s a wee<, the @ord said to me, >' would "e more pleased i 8ou would live a +as ed 'i+e.4 ' said, >Ahat do 8ou mean, a +as ed 'i+e24 He said, >#ever eat all 8ou want. Keep 8our appetite under. ThatBs all a ast is going to do an8wa8E <eep the "od8 under.> ?o 8ou <now that is harder than astingC ' changed. ' never had an8 more da!s o asting. ' never set an8 times o asting unless the Spirit o God spo<e to me. And ' made greater spiritual strides living )e +as ed 'i+e. 1uch o the


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

time ' ate onl8 one meal a da8 while ' was in meetings. 5' still do that much o the time.6 ' noticed that healings came more easil8 when ' did this. Ahen it came to la8ing hands on people to receive the Hol8 Spirit, ' wouldnBt eat at all. ' weBd run into a hard spot and things werenBt happening li<e ' thought the8 should, 'Bd ast "8 drin<ing a little Huice. ' ' needed more strength ph8sicall8, 'Bd start eating, "ut ' never ate all ' wanted. ' started having more results "ecause ' more or less constantl8 lived the asted li e. 2ne time ' went to Kansas Cit8 to hold a meeting. Ahen ' got there, the pastor said, >!rother Hagin, some) thing has arisen and 'Bve got to "e out o town part o this wee<. Gou go ahead and run the meeting to suit 8ou and 'Bll "e "ac< toward the end o the wee<.> ' preached Sunda8 night. 1onda8 morning we had a !i"le lesson at %( a.m. 1onda8 night ' preached. Tuesda8 morning ' preached 5' usuall8 carried two services a da86. Tuesda8 night ' preached. This was the third da8. 2ne o the deacons said to me, >!rother Hagin, how do 8ou li<e the restaurant at the motelC> ' stopped and said, >Gou <now whatC ' never thought a"out it. ' havenBt eaten since 'Bve "een here. ' orgot it.> Then ' said, >That restaurant is closed down. There is a sign there that sa8s BClosed.B > He said, >2h, we intended or 8ou to eat there. Ahat have 8ou "een doing a"out eatingC> ' said, >' never thought a"out eating until 8ou men) tioned it.> Ahen he said something a"out eating, ' got hungr8. Until then, ' had "een so ta<en up with spiritual things ' hadnBt thought an8thing a"out it. 5'ncidentall8, ' ate

Fas ing in /! -i+e


ever8 da8 rom then on.6 ;or three wee<s o meetings, those were the onl8 three da8s ' didnBt eat. ' wasnBt astingE ' Hust never thought a"out eating. 't never dawned on me to eat. Ahen ' did "egin eating, ' still had Hust one meal a da8. Ahat 'Bm tr8ing to sa8 is there are no iron)clad rules.

Chapter - P$shing to ./tremes ?onBt "e li<e the pastor who "ro<e down his "od8 with asting and "ecame so sic< he died. The poor ellow su ) ered so. He was a wonder ul man, "ut no"od8 could help him, "ecause he wouldnBt listen. Gou see, 8our "od8 is still mortal. 't hasnBt "een redeemed 8et, and 8ou are going to have to learn to ta<e care o it. ' learned that lesson earl8. Ahen ' irst started preaching, ' didnBt have the "ap) tism o the Hol8 Spirit, "ut ' did "elieve in divine healing. ' was pastor o a little church in the countr8 and had an e3tra Ho" on the side. 2ne da8 ' was wor<ing outdoors and <new ' was getting too hot. ' <new ' ought to stop. Something on the inside o me = the inward witness = told me, "ut ' didnBt listen to it. ' went right on, and had a heat stro<e. 18 heart stopped, and ' nearl8 died. ' had ;ull Gospel people la8 hands on me and pra8 or me, even though ' was a !aptist. Gou <now, ' couldnBt get a thing until ' repented and said, >?ear God, ' repent. 'Bll never push m8 "od8 to that place again.> The minute ' made that promise to God, ' rose up per ectl8 healed. Since that time ' have re used to push m8sel to that e3treme. 'Bve "een right in the middle o a healing line, realiIed ' was ph8sicall8 getting to that place, and stopped and wal<ed o . 'Bve told the people ' canBt violate m8 conscience and "rea< m8 contract with God. Someone might sa8, >AeBll Hust pra8 God will give 8ou supernatural strength.> Some people have the craIiest +4


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

ideas a"out these thingsE the8 "elieve 8ou ought to "e a superhuman. ?id 8ou ever notice Fesus again and again departed rom the crowdC His "od8 was also lesh, "lood, and "one. He got Hust as tired as an8"od8 did. The main thing in all the a airs o li e is to "e led "8 the Spirit o God. Some people tr8 to ma<e a religion out o asting. The8 push themselves to an e3treme, thin<ing ,or$s will get the Ho" done. !ut ' donBt "elieve in re'igionA ' "elieve in 0)ris and li e in Christ. ?onBt get involved in wor<s. @et the @ord lead 8ou. Ta<e some time to ast and wait on God as )e S%iri o+ God 'eads !o&. ;eel ree to o"e8 Him. ' went to one place to hold revival, and we had the greatest revival in the histor8 o that church. Sunda8 School dou"led and church mem"ership tripled. The pastor said night a ter night, >!o8s, ' Hust marvel at God moving in such a wa8. And we havenBt even asted.> He was tr8ing to put it "ac< on wor<sE he thought wor<s would get the Ho" done. !ut ' went "elieving God. God honors aith. ThatBs the thing God honors more than an8thing else.

Chapter 0 "ifferent 1inds of Fasts :emem"er how ?aniel asted +% da8sC He ate no >pleasant "read.> Ae need to realiIe there is more than one wa8 to ast. ?aniel didnBt eat an8thing he wanted, "ut he did eat a little something. That is harder to do some) times. Gou see, itBs a matter o <eeping the lesh underE <eep) ing the "od8 under and not letting it dominate 8ou. Gou dominate it instead. ' 8ou wanted to go a step urther, 8ou could ast things other than ood. Gou might sa8, >#ow, @ord, 'Bm going to leave o watching television and spend that time pra8) ing.> 5?aniel said he gave up eating %'easan 5read. So wh8 wouldnBt it "e all right to leave o other things that might "e pleasant to usC6 A well)<nown evangelist when he was pastoring decided to give God %( percent o his time in pra8er. He "egan to pra8 at night a ter his amil8 was in "ed. He pra8ed two hours and .( minutes each night. To do that he had to sacri ice his television time. God has given him an internationall8 <nown ministr8. Gou might sa8, >' couldnBt pra8 two hours and .( minutes a da8.> !ut perhaps 8ou could sacri ice televi ) sion time, too, or some other time that 8ouBre wasting in order to devote more time to pra8er.


Chapter 2 hat Can 3 Accomplish 4! Fasting& /inis ering o )e -ord The !i"le gives us e3amples o people asting to min) ister to the @ord. The8 werenBt pra8ing the8Bd get some) thingE the8 Hust wanted to ta<e some time to visit with the @ord. ACTS %/0+,/ +,.As they &"n"stere# to the :or#, an# faste#, the Ho)y Ghost sa"#, Se arate &e *arnabas an# Sa$) for the wor7 where$nto I have !a))e# the&' +*.An# when they ha# faste# an# raye#, an# )a"# the"r han#s on the&, they sent the& away' Gou might as<, >#ow what do 8ou mean, minis ered to the @ordC> Aell, 'Bm sure the8 pra8ed. !ut the !i"le also sa8s in Ephesians 40%*,%&, 4And 5e no dr&n$ ,i ) ,ine" ,)erein is e;#essA 5& 5e +i''ed ,i ) )e S%iri A S%ea$ing o !o&rse'ves in %sa'ms and )!mns and s%iri &a' songs" sing. ing and ma$ing me'od! in !o&r )ear o )e -ord.4 The8 "egan worshipping God and magni 8ing His name, and went right through the mealD Sometimes 'Bll spea< to m8sel all night in psalms. 'Bm ministering to the @ord. 'Bve done that on more than one occasion. A psalm is a spiritual poem or ode. 't ma8 or ma8 not rh8me, "ut there is an element o poetr8 in it. ' get to going sometimes ver8 quietl8 in the nighttime to m8sel , and the8 Hust <eep rolling out o me. 59


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

Ahen the !i"le tal<s a"out psalms and h8mns and spiritual songs, this doesnBt mean songs 8ou get out o a song"oo<. 1ost o those are em"almed with un"elie . The8 are not inspired "8 the Spirit o God. The !i"le is tal<ing a"out something the Spirit o God gives 8ou on the spur o the moment "8 the Hol8 Spirit. Ae have %4( psalms in the 2ld Testament that were given "8 the Spirit o God. The8 "less us "ecause the8 are Spirit anointed. 1an8 o ?avidBs psalms were given to him while he was going through tests or trials. The8 were hisE the8 "lessed himE the8 encouraged him. A psalm can "e recited or chanted. The Fews chanted some o them. A spiritual song or h8mn was alwa8s sung. ' seldom sing, e3cept in tongues, "ecause 'Bm not a singer. 5$aul said, >' will pra8 in the spirit and 'Bll sing in the spirit>E that is, in tongues.6 ' usuall8 spea< in psalms. !udd8 Harrison, m8 son)in)law, sings spiritual songs and h8mnsE something that the Spirit o God gives him at the moment. 1inistering to the @ord is worshipping HimE not want) ing an8thing. Ae ought to have services in our churches where we minister to the @ord. ' ' were pastor o a church, ' would have services once a wee< that ' would call >"e) lieversB meetings.> #o"od8 "ut "elievers would come, and we would minister to the @ord. 'n one church ' pastored, we usuall8 had Hust our own people in the Sunda8 morning service. Sunda8 night was our evangelistic service. Ae illed the "uilding at night. $eople would even "e out on the street loo<ing in through the doors. !ut Sunda8 mornings we rarel8 had non) mem"ers, so ' made that Sunda8 morning service a "e) lieversB meeting. ' donBt suppose ' preached hal a doIen times on Sunda8

*)a 0an I A##om%'is) 5! Fas ing32


morning rom %&/& to %&.(.% said to the people, >'Bm going to sit down here on the plat orm and turn the service over to the Hol8 Spirit. Ahatever 8ou eel led o God to do, do it. ' 8ou eel led to start a chorus, Hust start singing.> ' thin< we got the closest to what $aul was tal<ing a"out at Corinth when he said, % C2:'#TH'A#S %.0++- How is it then, "rethrenC when 8e come together, ever8 one o 8ou hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. @et all things "e done unto edi 8ing. The8 went to church "ecause the8 )ad something. !ut now most ol<s go to church to ge something. Ae had some o the most tremendous services. 'Bve never seen an8thing li<e them "e ore or since. And 'Bm convinced God wants that in ever8 church. !ut we get so ta<en up with our little orm. Ae thin< we have to "e out "8 noon. Sometimes in these meetings we would sta8 until %0/( p.m. Sometimes the presence o God would move in on us and we would all Hust sit there. #ot a child cried. #o"od8 moved. #o"od8 would sa8 an8thing. Ae sat there some) times .4 minutes. The power o God = the presence o God = was so real 8ou didnBt want to move. Gou were a raid i 8ou moved a inger, the presence would go awa8. 2ne ellow would "ring his wi e, who was saved, to these services, and then he would go uptown to tal<, chew, whittle, and cuss. 2ne time he came "ac< around noon, e3pecting the service to "e over, "ut it wasnBt. He sat in the car "ut didnBt hear an8thing. ;inall8 he came inside. He elt what we were eeling the moment he wal<ed in. #o"od8 said an8thing or turned


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

to loo< at him. Since ' was sitting on the plat orm, ' could see him. He sat down, loo<ed at me, and loo<ed at the crowd. #o"od8 said an8thingE there was Hust a hol8 silence. ' watched him "ecause ' <new something was going to happen. He sat there a"out %( minutes and suddenl8 "egan sha<ing all over. Then he got up and started down the aisle, still sha<ing, and ell at the altar. He started calling on God and got savedD Still, no"od8 said an8thing. #o one went down to help him pra8. God started it and inished it. He saved that ellow. ' saw that happen more than once. Sometimes the Spirit o God would move on some"od8 to start dancing. !e ore 8ou <new it, %4 to /( others would Hoin him. The8 might dance all through the morning ser) vice. Ae charged that atmosphere with the Spirit o God. ' would tell the people, >#ow, when we come tonight, itBs or a di erent purpose. AeBre not coming tonight to get "lessed. AeBre not coming tonight to minister to the @ord. Ae are coming to reach the sinner. So "e ver8 care ul that ever8thing is done decentl8 and in order> 5% Cor. %.0.(6. Ae had people saved, illed with the Hol8 Spirit, and healed ever8 Sunda8 night. Ae had constant revival, "e) cause we <ept that place charged with the power o God. 'n a lot o places the atmosphere is charged with deadness on Sunda8 morning. Gou need to get there earl8 to e3pel all the demons the people "ring inE otherwise, 8ou all lat on 8our ace. Ae need times o worshipE times to worship an8 wa8 the @ord leads us. ThatBs what it means to minister unto the @ord. Another reason the8 asted in !i"le times was to or) dain men to the ministr8 or to separate them, as God

hat Can 3 Accomplish 4! Fasting& would call them. 'Bm sure the8 didnBt go on a long ast. The8 missed ma8"e one meal. Fa#ing (e#isions and Times o+ 0risis


1an8 times in revival meetings when people seemed to have di icult8 getting "aptiIed with the Hol8 Spirit, ' would tell them not to eat their evening meal. Aithout e3ception, it seemed to wor< easil8E 'Bve seen times when ever8 one o them was illed with the Spirit. Gou will ind, too, as 'Bve mentioned, that the !i"le sa8s in times o crisis men asted. 1an8 times "e ore Fesus made certain decisions, li<e selecting the apostles, He spent time apart. Acts +, is an e3ample o $aulBs asting during a crisis. He was on his wa8 "8 ship to appeal his case "e ore Caesar and a storm arose. A-TS 5,:5. 5. An# when ne"ther s$n nor stars "n &any #ays a eare#, an# no s&a)) te& est )ay on $s, a)) ho e that we sho$)# be save# was then ta7en away' $aul had perceived danger "8 the Spirit o God "e ore the vo8age. A-TS 5,:51-56 +&.*$t after )on% abst"nen!e 4a$) stoo# forth "n the &"#st of the&, an# sa"#, S"rs, ye sho$)# have hear7 ene# $nto &e, an# not have )oose# fro& -rete, an# to have %a"ne# th"s har& an# )oss' /(.An# now I e;hort yo$ to be of %oo# !heer: for there sha)) be no )oss of any &an2s )"fe a&on% yo$, b$t of the sh" ' /%.For there stoo# by &e th"s n"%ht the an%e) of Go#, whose I a&, an# who& I serve,


A Commonsense '$ide to Fasting /+.Say"n%, Fear not, 4a$)+ tho$ &$st be bro$%ht be fore -aesar: an#, )o, Go# hath %"ven thee a)) the& that sa") w"th thee' //.Wherefore, s"rs, be of %oo# !heer: for I be)"eve Go#, that "t sha)) be even as "t was to)# &e'

' donBt <now how long $aul asted here, "ut a ter a") staining rom ood he stood in their midst. He told the men their lives would "e spared. He had a"stained rom ood or some time and had sought God. 'n a letter to some o the churches concerning his own ministr8 he used the e3pres) sion >in astings o ten.>

Chapter 5 )etting Free the Oppressed There was a woman in a church we pastored who had a large tumor on her le t lung. She had gone to her amil8 doctor, "ut he sent her to a specialist in a larger cit8 near"8. This was in %&/&, and the8 didnBt operate on people so quic<l8 then. The8 did not <now whether the tumor was malignant or not, "ut the8 gave her 7)ra8 treatments. The8 said the treatments wouldnBt cure her, "ut the8 were suppposed to retard the growth o the tumor or shrin< it. ' these treat) ments were unsuccess ul, the ne3t step was the operation, which in those da8s was ver8 serious. ' <new she was ta<ing these treatments twice a wee<, "ut she never as<ed or pra8er. 2n the da8 when she went to the cit8 to ta<e her treatment, her %-)8ear)old daughter was home 5this was in the summer6. The8 lived on a arm and had to get up earl8 to go to the cit8E the trip too< a ull da8. All that da8, which was a Thursda8, the %-)8ear)old girl asted and pra8ed or her mother. She pra8ed that the oppressed might "e set ree. 5Acts %(0/* spea<s o sic<ness as "eing satanic oppression.6 ' <new nothing a"out what had happened. Ahen ' closed m8 sermon the ollowing Sunda8 morning, the voice o the @ord came to me sa8ing, >ThereBs a lad8 here ' want to heal "e ore 8ou go toda8.> So ' spo<e it right out without thin<ing. ThatBs the irst time a thing li<e that had happened. This was %&/&. ' spo<e it right out, sa8ing, >The @ord Hust said thereBs a woman here whom He wants to 35


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

heal "e ore we go toda8.> Ahen ' said that, a lad8 stepped out. She started down the aisle, "ut the Spirit o God within me said, >SheBs not the one.> ' said, >Sister, 8ouBre not the one, "ut healing "elongs to 8ou, so come on and weBll pra8 or 8ou, and the @ord will heal 8ou.> Then Sister :. stepped out in the aisle and the Spirit o God within me said, >SheBs the one.> ' told her, >Sister :., 8ouBre the one.> ' laid hands on her and pra8ed and that tumor disappeared. She went "ac< to the specialist and told him to ta<e 7)ra8s "ecause something had happened. He as<ed, >Ahat is itC> She replied, >'Bll tell 8ou a ter ) wards.> He too< the 7)ra8s and couldnBt ind the tumor. He tried ta<ing more, "ut still couldnBt ind it. 't was gone. ' was holding a meeting in a ;ull Gospel church in Houston, Te3as, a num"er o 8ears ago, and ' was sta8ing in the parsonage. The pastorBs wi e never said one word to me a"out her poor ph8sical condition. 5She had pra8ed or 8ears and never had received an8thing.6 God "egan to move in the services and "less people. 1an8 were "eing healed. A terwards, this pastorBs wi e testi ied, >' saw others "eing healed and ' asted.> 5She i3ed something or her hus"and and me to eat, "ut she never sat down with us.6 >' asted and pra8ed a couple o da8s,> she said, >and told the @ord ' <new He could heal me.> 2ne night ' was ministering a ter ' preached, and ' had a revelation concerning her. ' "egan telling her what was wrong with her, "ecause ' saw it in the spiritE the @ord told me e3actl8 what was wrong with her. The Aord o Knowl) edge was in operation, and she received complete healing.

Setting ;ree the 2ppressed


Although asting in itsel will not "ring a"out healing, it can prepare the wa8 in some instances or healing to ta<e place.

Chapter 16 A Final ord Smith Aigglesworth said there were two 8oung ellows in England who saw GodBs power demonstrated in his meetings at his wi eBs mission. >Ae wouldnBt "e surprised "ut what God would lead 8ou down to Aales to raise up our @aIarus,> the8 told him. The8 e3plained that @aIarus was a man who had spent his da8s wor<ing in a tin mine and his nights preaching. He had collapsed and "ecome ill with tu"erculosis, and or our 8ears had "een a helpless invalid, having to "e ed with a spoon. Two 8ears later the @ord spo<e to Aigglesworth. 2 ten this great man o aith would wal< in the countr8side. 2ne da8 he clim"ed one o the highest mountains in Aales. He was on top, enveloped in the presence o God, when the @ord said to him, >' want 8ou to go raise @aIarus.> Aigglesworth wrote down what the @ord had said on a postcard, and mailed it to @aIarusB home. Ahen he arrived, he was greeted at the door "8 a man holding the card. >?id 8ou send thisC> the man as<ed. >?o 8ou thin< we "elieve in thisC Here, ta<e itD> And he threw it at Aigglesworth. Then the man called a servant and said, >Ta<e this man and show him @aIarus.> He said to Aigglesworth, >The moment 8ou see him, 8ou will "e read8 to go home.> ;rom the natural standpoint, this was true. The man was helpless. He was nothing "ut a mass o s<in and "ones = and he didnBt have an ounce o aith. /9


A 0ommonsense G&ide o Fas ing

Aigglesworth <new when God has spo<en, 8ou donBt give in. He le t, "ut overnight rounded up seven others to stand with him in pra8er. That night the Spirit o the @ord told him not to eat, so he s<ipped the evening meal and s<ipped "rea< ast the ollowing morning. 5He "elieved pra8er and asting to "e a great Ho8.6 The ne3t da8 the eight o them went "ac< to @aIarusB house. The same man let them in, and there la8 that poor ellow loo<ing li<e a corpse. Ahile Smith had "een asting, God had told him what to do0 >?onBt pra8E donBt anoint him with oilE donBt touch him. All eight o 8ou gather around the "ed, hold hands, and repeat the #ame o Fesus.> So he said, >Ae Hust stood around the "ed and said, BFesus, Fesus, Fesus 5all eight o them in unison6, Fesus, FesusDB> As the8 spo<e, the power o God ell. Then it li ted li<e a cloud. The8 continued to hold hands and sa8, >Fesus, Fesus> and the power <ept coming down and li ting. The si3th time it came down @aIarus said, >'Bve "een "itter in m8 heart, and ' <now ' have grieved the Spirit o God.> He repented and cried out, >2 God, let this "e to th8 glor8.> As he said that, the power o God went through him, healing him. @aIarus got up and dressed himsel without an8 assis) tance. Then he and Smith wal<ed downstairs singing the ?o3olog8. @aIarus testi ied in an open)air meeting what God had done and man8 were saved. All the Spirit had said to Smith was, >Fust miss two meals.> ThatBs all. ?id that change GodC #o. God had alread8 told him to raise up @aIarus. Gou see, it gave Aigglesworth a 'i 'e more ime o ,ai on God ins ead o+

A Fina' *ord .% ea ing. I made )is s%iri more $een" and i made )im more s&s#e% i5'e o God3s S%iri so )e #o&'d 5e a #)anne'. That is wh8 there are no instructions given "8 the Hol8 Spirit through $aul or $eter or Fames or Fohn to ast or not to ast. ' "elieve this is "ecause God wants us to learn to "e led "8 His Spirit. That wa8 weBll "e prepared or whatever He has or us to do. 2r, i the Spirit doesnBt tell 8ou to ast, set aside some time and sa8, >' am going to ta<e this time to ast and wait on God and stud8 m8 !i"le.> Ahen should 8ou astC ' canBt tell 8ou, and the !i"le doesnBt give 8ou speci ic instructions. That leaves it up to the leading o the @ord. The more 8ou stud8, the more 8ou can see how dependent we are on the Spirit o GodE not onl8 the Aord o God, "ut the Hol8 Spirit. #o wonder Fesus said, >'Bll not leave 8ou com ortless.> Another translation sa8s >orphans.> Ae need the help o the Hol8 Spirit = and we have it = in this area, as in all others.

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