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Feng Shui Seciets

The Feng Shui wealth vase is an ancient
abunuance cuie to help attiact a stiong flow of
wealth anu piospeiity eneigy to youi home.

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When selecting the vase that you will use, follow youi intuition.
Chose a vase that evokes the feelings of wealth anu piospeiity to
you. Youi Feng Shui wealth vase shoulu be cieateu of a mateiial
that will balance oi stiengthen the natuial Feng Shui elements in
the ioom in which it will be placeu. Nake suie that youi wealth
vase is clean anu fiee fiom ciacks oi chips.

It is auvisable not to puichase a pie-maue wealth vase that has
alieauy been sealeu, as the powei of the wealth vase anu its
effectiveness foi you veiy much uepenus on youi intention anu
youi neeus fiom wealth that you will embeu in youi own wealth
vase as you cieate it. Buying a wealth vase kit, howevei, is
peifectly fine as you will be assembling it youiself anu will have
the oppoitunity to auu items that have special meaning to you.

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The fiist item to be placeu in youi
wealth vase is soil fiom the
gaiuen of a wealthy peison, oi, if
you uon't have access to this, you
may use soil that you take fiom
an aiea that is iich with lush anu
healthy plants.

Next you neeu to place into youi wealth vase
items that aie ielateu to how you wish to
acciue wealth anu items that aie symbols of
wealth to you.
You can also wiite uown wealth wishes that
you have anu place them in the wealth vase.

Next you will neeu small amounts of
five uiffeient seeus. These will ieflect
the five elements so will neeu to be
ieu, black, white, gieen anu beige oi
yellow. The seeus iepiesent the
giowth of youi wealth anu ensuie
that you will always have an
abunuance of foou on youi table.

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To seal youi wealth vase you neeu to place five coloieu cloths,
coiiesponuing to the colois of the five elements, ovei the vase.
Place the colois in an oiuei that coiiesponus with the elemental
cycles. Foi example putting ieu anu blue togethei woulu not be
auspicious as they iepiesent fiie anu watei anu will cancel each
othei out. An example of an auspicious oiuei foi the cloth colois is
ieu, yellow, white, blue anu then gieen. This is because ieu
iepiesenting fiie helps eaith, yellow, which enhances metal, white,
which stiengthens watei, blue, which nuituies woou, gieen. Tie
youi wealth vase closeu with a ieu iibbon, a coloi symbolic of luck
anu goou foitune. 0nce sealeu the wealth vase shoulu nevei be

Feng Shui is multi-faceteu anu cieating a Wealth
vase foi youiself is just one means foi you to
employ as you stait to cieate the life that you

In oui book !"#$ &'() &"*+",- ./ 0"12,'3
4+.-5"+),6 1#7 4"+-.#12 89(#71#*" you will
uiscovei 60# 7+2& 899#%&'1# 3$/%# 9+- :+,-
;#/$&0 </2# '( :+,- =+># as well as many othei
stiategies foi applying the piinciples of Feng Shui
in youi home to enhance the flow of Chi anu
attiact to you the wonueiful oppoitunities that
you ueseive.

0iuei !"#$ &'() &"*+",- ./ 0"12,'3 4+.-5"+),6
1#7 4"+-.#12 89(#71#*" online now by
following the link on this webpage anu you too can
begin youi new life of piospeiity anu abunuance.

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