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Discussion Two: Questions: o How does Estha break the rule of the god of small things?

He is an innocent and happy boy until he is molested by the Orangedrink Lemondrink Man. After this occurs, his demeanor changes. The rule he breaks might be, while trying to escape to History House (to avoid the molester), Estha brings Rahel and Sophie Mol with him, and in the process the boat capsizes and Sophie Mol dies. They have to talk day by day and not think to much about the future. o Why do you think that Roy ended the book like she did, in the middle? Leave the reader hanging If she puts it at the end, it is going back to the theme of love. There is forbidden love through out the novel and getting towards the end of the novel it seems to solve itself. Shows that the idea of forbidden love is how they got to that point in the first place. o Is this novel about a specific event like Sophie Mols death or the relationship with the twins? Relationship reflecting on what their relationship was in 1993 to show how their relationship is distance and how it has changed Up until Sophie Mols death their relationship was strong and close but when they separated and came back they were able to see how much they actually need each other. o What are the implications of the Communist party on the characters and the plot? Since Velutha is part of the communist party then it puts stress on Ammu, which then puts stress on them Hurts Ammu because she gets kicked out, which (again) puts stress on the twins. o If you had to pick one moment from the novel that would be to blame for Sophie Mols death, what would it be or who would it be? It was an accident so no one was really to blame. Blame it on everything like checko and Margret would have taught her to swim if they didnt get divorced. So many people you can point fingers at, so it might not really be any ones fault. Quotes: o Things will get worse, he thought to himself. Then better. (274) How Estha handles fear compared to the other characters in the novel

o Its a terrible thing to take a persons life, Baby Kochamma said. Its the worst thing that anyone can ever do. Even God doesnt forgive that. You know that, dont you? (300) After Sophie Mols death Making them think that it was all their fault and they must answer to God. Words o Garden place of shelter for Rahel, when she returns keep going back o Think with a T, it is best to be prepared o Boat safe place for Estha o Song Estha likes to sing and sings along o Happy everyone seems to be happy when people arent dying o Communism comes off as being a good thing but then has a negative thing. Kind a like Velutha and how he turned to be a bad guy o Fear fear of Orangedrink yellowdrink man and other fears Connections: o How the twins feel about Sophie Mol and how they are jealous of how she is loved and how they arent friends when they get a new friend o Ammu is harsh on them because she loves them we also love our family but we dont really love them all the time o Sophie Mol died when she was with the twins kids hid when we do something wrong and when we are scared about something.

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