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In 1757 John Baskerville intrduced

the first Transitional Roman Typeface, which increased contrast between thick and thin strokes, had a nearly vertical stress in the counters and very sharp serifs.

Firmin Didot and Giambattista of Italy developed the first Modern Romans. The Moderns carry transitionals to the extreme. Thin strokes are hairlines, plus a full vertical stress.

In 1815 Vincent Figgins designed a new typeface with square serifs for the frist time. This became known and The Egyptians or more recently as the Slab Serifs.

1816 - William Caslon IV

William Caslon IV produced the first typeface without Serifs. But it was ridiculed at the time.

1920s - Frederic Goudy

Frederic Goudy developed several innovative designs in the 1920s and became the worlds first full time typeface designer. He created th Broadway Typeface.

1925 - Herbert Bayer

In 1925 Herbert Bayer was appointed head of the newly created workshop for print and advertising at the Dessa Bauhau where he designed universal typefaces, which were later adapted into Bauhaus Font.

1931 - Stanley Morrison

In 1931 Stanley Morison was commissioned by The Times newspaper to produce a new easy to read typeface for the publication. We now know this as Times New Roman

1954 - Max Miedinger

Then, in 1954, a swiss artist called Max Miedinger created the most popular typeface of our time, Helvetica. The swiss also championed the use of white space as a design element.

1955 - Howard Kettler

Howard Kettler designed the Courier Typeface in 1955 for IBM. Courier became the most popular typeface on typewriters for 30 years.

1964 - Rudolf Hell

In 1964 Rudolf Hell invented the Digiset, the first digital Typesetter . Digital Grotesk was the first all digital font produced. The Modern Day: Now that computers are used by almost everyone in the world, there has been a boom in Font and Typeface design, some of them legible, some of them not, most of these all digital Typefaces can be easily and readily downloaded from sites on the internet. Almost anybody can create a Typeface these days! So, who knows what the future of Typography holds?

The End

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