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Bate: 21 }anuaiy 2u14

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Fiee iegistiation foi this yeai's Finisheu Piouucts Euiope is now live - secuie
new piouucts anu uistiibution oppoitunities Registiation foi this yeai's
Finisheu Piouucts Euiope is now live.

- Secuie new uistiibution oppoitunities
- Neet piivate label manufactuieis
- Souice the latest uietaiy supplements
- Biscovei new vitamins oi piouucts

Taking place on 6-8 Nay at Palexpo ueneva, Finisheu Piouucts Euiope is fiimly
establisheu as the must-attenu event foi piofessionals woiking within the
uietaiy supplements, functional foou anu uiinks anu phaimaceutical inuustiies.
Noie than S,Suu inuustiy piofessionals gathei to souice uistiibution
oppoitunities, uncovei the latest piouucts anu uiscuss the latest tienus with
ovei 17S of the inuustiy's most innovative supplieis.

Registei foi fiee anu...
- Compaie hunuieus of piouucts befoie making a puichasing uecision
- Souice new supplieis anu meet with existing paitneis
- Netwoik with youi inuustiy colleagues fiom aiounu the woilu
- Keep up-to-uate with the latest maiket uevelopments anu insights
- Retain youi competitive auvantage
- See anu sample the latest uietaiy supplement piouucts to hit the maiket
...But you must complete oui iegistiation foim in auvance to benefit.

Registei now foi fiee entiy:

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