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1. Location- Venezuela is located in South America.

It is next to

Colombia, Guyana and Brazil. From Orlando, FL to Caracas, Venezuela

it is 1551 miles (2497 km).One environmental issue is sewage pollution

of Lago de Valencia; oil and urban pollution of Lago De Maracaibo.

2. History- Venezuela was named by Alonso De Ojeda, one of the first

Europeans to explore the region after Columbus landed there in 1498.

Ojeda noticed that the Indians living near a large lake (now Lake

Maracaibo) built their houses on stilts to keep them above the water.

He had an idea: He'd call the region Venezuela, or "Little Venice," in

Spanish, after the famous city in Italy built on islands in the sea. The

name stuck. The year of independence from Spain was July 5th 1811.
3. Monetary Unit- Venezuelan Bolivar and it is worth 0.000466 U.S.


4. Type of Government- Federal multiparty republic. Hugo Chavez is

both head of the government and chief of state.

5. Natural Resources- petroleum, natural gas, iron, ore. Gold, bauxite

hydropower diamonds.

6. Language- Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects.

7. GDP (official)- 319.4 billion. Exports: petroleum, bauxite and

aluminum, steel, chemicals, agricultural products, basic manufactures.

Imports: raw materials, machinery and equipment, transport

equipment, construction materials. Trade Nations: US, Netherlands

Antilles, China, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico and Panama.

8. Economy Overview- Venezuela remains dependent on oil revenues

which is 90% of export earnings. Real GDP declined by around 9% in

2002 and 8% in 2003 but since then it has recovered strongly. One

transnational issue is trafficking in persons. Venezuela is a source,

transit, and destination country for men, women, and children

trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and

forced labor; Venezuelan women and girls are trafficked within the

country for sexual exploitation; child prostitution in urban areas and

child sex tourism in resort destinations appear to be growing;

Venezuelan women and girls are trafficked for commercial sexual

exploitation to Western Europe, Mexico, and Caribbean destinations.

9. Our company purchased coffee. We picked coffee because it is a


American people love. There is no coffee like South American coffee. It

has a very complex taste and there are many ways to prepare it. It also

has extensive history and culture in Venezuela.

10. DestinationsIsla Margarita, Venezuela. Since Isla Margarita is an

island it has plenty of beaches to visit. First off Punt Arena is one of the

most popular beaches to visit. The beach barely has any waves and

not many people. Also a great place to visit is La Iglesia Del Valle. It is

a very old and beautiful cathedral. Last but not least you could visit the

Castle of Santa Rosa in Asuncion. From the top of the castle you can

see a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings. It is also a famous

destination because it has the cell where Luisa Caceres de Arismendi

was incarcerated.
Morrocoy,Venezuela Morrocoy has a national park. It has beautiful

tropical birds,turtles,armadillos and other animals. To fully enjoy

Morrocoy one must go on a ferry to the small uninhabited islands close

by. One can go fishing and catch fish . Also after you get there you can

go scuba diving into Boca Seca which is a beach close to the small

islands. The view under water is spectacular. You will see coral and a

lot of different species of fish.

La Casa Amarilla (museum in Caracas) Casa Amarilla is a mansion on

the west side of Plaza Bolivar. It is from 1689, which makes it one of

the oldest buildings in town. It is now a historical museum in the

capital of Venezuela. It stands on the same grounds where the Caracas

Royal Prison was located during colonial times, in the beginning of the

17th century. It has paintings, sculptures, and different types of art

from native and non native Venezuelans. It also has art from different

time periods.

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