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IT8 Mini-Project COMPUTER HISTORY Please provide a brief description of the following machines: 1.

.) Altair 8800 Is a microcomputer designed in 1975 based on the Intel 8080 cpu 2.) IBM System 360 This is a mainframe computer, and it was the first family computes made by 3.) Apple I Apple 1 computer was the first computer made by Steve jobs it was made as a personal computer 4.) Apple II series Was a set of home computers and they were microcomputer products 5.) Commodore Vic-20 Is a 8 bit home computer and was sold in commodore business machines 6.) Commodore 64 Are also home computers and were best sellers it was released in January 7.) IBM PC/XT 8.) IBM PC/AT 9.) Macintosh (Original 128K) This type of computer was made by mac 10.) Commodore Amiga This was the first computer that was made by commodore 11.) Apple Lisa This computer is a personal computer designed by apple computers 12.) WANG (not what you think!!) This type of computer was found in 1951 13.) Xerox PARC systems This computer was found in 1970 and was formerly zerox 14.) UNIVAC Is an automatic computer and it was produced in united states

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