Sidnae and Emanuel 100 Year War

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This war was involving England and France where the English lost.

The war was fought on the Continent. It was fought because of the two Kings Edward III and Henry V questioning claims to the throne . This war was bad for the English , after the war they were no longer seen as the knight in shining armor, they were now known as the green-clad yeomen (small landowners).

The Hundred Years War, lasting from 1337 until 1453, was a defining time for the history of both England and France. The war started in May 1337 when King Philip VI of France attempted to confiscate the English territories in the duchy of Aquitaine (located in Southwestern France). It ended in July 1453 when the French finally expelled the English from the continent . The Hundred Years War was a series ofchevauchees , sieges and naval battles interspersed with truces and uneasy peace.

"The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) [100 Years' War]." The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) [100 Years' War]. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. "The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453): The Arrow Is Mightier than the Armor." Elements of Literature. Sixth Course ed. Dallas: Harcourt Brace &, 2000. 86+. Print.

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