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Asking for directions

How can I get to the museum ? How can I get to the toyshop ? Oh p!ease te!! me the way there" Oh p!ease te!! me #uick!y$ I%m !ost &

'urn !eft turn right" (o straight ahead as far as the roundabout" 'urn right turn !eft" (o straight on as far as the traffic !ights"

)an you te!! me the way p!ease ? How can I get back my home ? Oh madam te!! me the way back" Oh p!ease te!! me #uick!y$ I%m !ost &

'ake the first turning on the right" 'ake the first turning on your !eft" (o straight ahead as far as the roundabout" And go straight ahead """ there%s home &

( to be sung with the My Bonnie tune)

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