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A Frighteningly Strange Party

By: Nithya Rao Welcome, welcome, the party is in the backyard, greeted my mom, Yo will meet Nithya there! As the "irst "ew g ests arri#ed the p mpkins "or the $ack%o% lattern e#ent was going on! &his will be " n, e'claimed (alidia! ) know, responded the twins, Aki and Niki! Nithya, can ) be yo r partner* asked (alidia! S re why not, ) responded! A"ter the "inal "ew g ests arri#ed the party will start, my parents anno nced! A "ew min tes later, all my best "riends were car#ing o t "aces "rom the p mpkins! &hen a strong g st o" wind came "rom nowhere and a screeching so nd was heard! &hank" lly e#eryone had bro ght $ackets to wear and the weather came back to normal b t the screeching so nd contin ed! Attention "riends, wo ld yo ) anno nced! (y ears "elt as i" the throbbing screeching noise was getting lo der by the second! like to take this party inside*

No, the +alloween party sho ld be in the dark night, its the per"ect setting, An$ana commented! Soon, e#eryone was agreeing to stay o tside! dropped o r car#ing tensils and kni"es and ,ipped We all p o r $ackets! We

&hen the screeching noise stopped and we saw "aint o tlines o" small children coming o t o" the p mpkins we were car#ing! we really saw ghosts! &hen, the ghost started to talk to s! ) heard whispers - ietly m rm red by the ghosts and by their e'pressions yo co ld tell they were trying to say that they were a"raid o" kni"es, didnt want them with a kni"e! )t looks like yo /! S re its " n, stammered the twins, Aki and Niki, with blank e'pressions on their "aces! Another ghost stepped closer and started to talk!)" yo re wondering how and why we came o t o" the p mpkins0 here is an e'planation: o r parents got "ed .host 1! Why wo ld they do that, asked 2arli, werent they once kid ghosts* p with s, kid ghosts, said s to accidentally not see them and c t Reali,ing we kids were not going to do s! are ha#ing a pretty " n party, said .host all stepped back in ama,ement and watched care" lly to see i"

anything, they contin ed talking to

No, ghosts are the same age all their ghost years, ne#er getting yo nger or older, i" yo re a kid ghost yo will be a kid ghost and i" yo re an ad lt ghost yo be, .host 1 e'plained! &he tr th is we wanted to ad#ent ro s, take a risk, and ha#e " n witho t o r nasty parents! We wanted to see what h mans are like beca se in o r ghost te'tbook it says that ad lts always accidentally kill ghosts and that we ghosts sho ld stay away "rom h mans as m ch as possible! We all went s ally inside p mpkins beca se were heard that people with kids h man kids are like ghost kids! stated .host 3! Yes, we are, said (alidia in a h rry,we like to get on with the party $ st like a ghost wo ld! 4an we $oin yo r party* asked .host 5, i" it doesnt in#ol#e kni"es! Yeah, s re why not, as long as yo responded! And, as long as yo dont scare s, said ghost / stated! dont scare s, ) always always will

b y more p mpkins to car#e with them and we wanted to see i"

&he ghosts talked to my best "riends and to me! &hen they tasted all the "ood they had ne#er tasted be"ore, like pop, pi,,a, cookies, "r its and cake! en$oyed the "ood and the party! Y m6 &hey said that they

Soon, it was time to say good%byes!

(y "riends said

that they en$oyed the party and that it was e#en more " n with the additional "riends 7the ghosts8!When their parents were coming to pick them #ery m ch! p the ghosts said that they en$oyed the party &hey also said that h mans werent as bad as s to be! Finally, .host / and 5 together will sometime &hen, the g ests le"t p to date beca se yo

ghost a thors describe or the other, see

said, We all can still keep and the party was o#er!

s in yo r neighborhood!

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