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uelonlzaLlon (or demlnerallzaLlon) slmply means Lhe removal of lons. lons are elecLrlcally charged aLoms or
molecules found ln waLer LhaL has elLher a neL negaLlve or poslLlve charge. lor many appllcaLlons LhaL use waLer as
a rlnse or lngredlenL, Lhese lons are consldered lmpurlLles and musL be removed from Lhe waLer.

lons wlLh a poslLlve charge are called CaLlons" and lons wlLh a negaLlve charge are called Anlons". lon exchange
reslns are used Lo exchange non-deslrable caLlons and anlons wlLh hydrogen and hydroxyl, respecLlvely, formlng
pure waLer (P
0), whlch ls noL an lon. 8elow ls a llsL of lons commonly found ln munlclpal waLer.

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Calclum (Ca++) Chlorldes (Cl-)
Magneslum (Mg++) SulfaLes (SC
lron (le+++) nlLraLes (nC
Manganese (Mn++) CarbonaLes (CC
Sodlum (na+) Slllca (SlC
Pydrogen (P+) Pydroxyl (CP-)

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lon exchange reslns are used Lo produce delonlzed (demlnerallzed or ul") waLer. 1hese reslns are small plasLlc
beads LhaL are composed of organlc polymer chalns LhaL have charged funcLlonal groups bullL lnLo Lhe resln bead.
Lach funcLlonal group has elLher a flxed poslLlve or negaLlve charge.
CaLlon resln has a negaLlve funcLlonal group and Lherefore aLLracLs poslLlvely charged lons. 1here are Lwo
Lypes of caLlon reslns, weak acld caLlon (WAC) and sLrong acld caLlon (SAC). Weak acld caLlon resln ls used
malnly ln dealkallzaLlon and oLher unlque appllcaLlons. lor Lhls reason we wlll focus on explalnlng Lhe role
of sLrong acld caLlon reslns used for produclng delonlzed waLer.
o Anlon resln has a poslLlve funcLlonal group and Lherefore aLLracLs negaLlvely charged lons. 1here
are Lwo Lypes of anlon reslns, weak base anlon (W8A) and sLrong base anlon (S8A). 8oLh Lypes of
anlon reslns are used Lo produce delonlzed waLer, however, Lhey have dlfferenL characLerlsLlcs
llsLed below:
o W8A reslns do noL remove slllca, C02 or have Lhe ablllLy Lo neuLrallze weak aclds and has a lower
Lhan neuLral pP when used ln a dual separaLe bed sysLem.
o S8A reslns remove all anlons ln Lhe above Lable, lncludlng C02, and has a hlgher Lhan neuLral pP
when used ln a dual separaLe bed sysLem due Lo sodlum leakage.
Mlxed bed reslns use SAC and S8A reslns comblned LogeLher.

ln order Lo produce delonlzed waLer, caLlon resln ls regeneraLed wlLh Pydrochlorlc Acld (PCl). 1he Pydrogen (P+) ls
poslLlvely charged and Lherefore aLLaches lLself Lo Lhe negaLlvely charged caLlon resln bead. 1he anlon resln ls
regeneraLed wlLh sodlum hydroxlde (naCP). Pydroxyl (CP-) ls negaLlvely charged and aLLaches lLself Lo Lhe
poslLlvely charged anlon resln bead.

ulfferenL lons are aLLracLed Lo a resln bead wlLh dlfferenL sLrengLhs. lor example, calclum ls more sLrongly
aLLracLed Lo a caLlon resln bead Lhan sodlum ls. 1he hydrogen on Lhe caLlon resln bead and Lhe hydroxyl on Lhe
anlon resln bead do noL have a sLrong aLLracLlon Lo Lhe bead. 1hls ls whaL allows lon exchange Lo Lake place. As
poslLlvely charged caLlons flow across caLlon resln beads, Lhe caLlons are exchanged for hydrogen (P+). Llkewlse, as
negaLlvely charged anlons flow across anlon resln beads, Lhe anlons are exchanged for hydroxyl (CP-). When you
comblne hydrogen (P+) and hydroxyl (CP-) you form pure P20.

LvenLually all of Lhe exchange slLes on Lhe caLlon and anlon resln beads are used up and Lhe Lank no longer
produces delonlzed waLer. AL Lhls polnL, Lhe resln beads requlre regeneraLlon Lo prepare Lhem for use agaln.
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uemlnerallzaLlon Lherefore requlres uslng aL leasL Lwo Lypes of lon exchange reslns Lo produce delonlzed waLer.
Cne resln wlll remove poslLlvely charged lons and Lhe oLher wlll remove negaLlvely charged lons.

ln a dual bed sysLem, Lhe caLlon resln ls always flrsL ln llne. As clLy waLer enLers Lhe Lank fllled wlLh caLlon resln, all
poslLlvely charged caLlons are aLLracLed Lo Lhe caLlon resln bead and exchanged for hydrogen. 1he negaLlvely
charged anlons are noL aLLracLed Lo Lhe caLlon resln bead and pass Lhrough. lor example, leL's examlne calclum
chlorlde ln Lhe feed waLer. ln soluLlon, Lhe calclum lon ls poslLlvely charged and wlll aLLach lLself Lo Lhe caLlon bead
and wlll release a hydrogen lon. 1he chlorlde has a negaLlve charge and Lherefore wlll noL aLLach lLself Lo Lhe caLlon
resln bead. 1he hydrogen, whlch has a poslLlve charge, wlll aLLach lLself Lo Lhe chlorlde lon, formlng hydrochlorlc
acld (PCl). 1he resulLlng effluenL from a SAC exchanger wlll have a very low pP and a much hlgher conducLlvlLy
Lhan Lhe lncomlng feed waLer.

1he effluenL from Lhe caLlon resln wlll conslsL of sLrong and weak aclds. 1hls acldlc waLer wlll Lhen enLer a Lank
fllled wlLh anlon resln. 1he anlon resln wlll aLLracL negaLlvely charged anlons such as chlorlde and exchange Lhem
for hydroxyl. 1he resulL ls hydrogen (P+) and hydroxyl (CP-), whlch forms P20.

ln reallLy, a dual bed sysLem does noL produce Lrue P20 due Lo sodlum leakage". lf sodlum leaks pasL Lhe caLlon
exchange Lank, Lhen lL comblnes wlLh hydroxyl Lo form sodlum hydroxlde, whlch has a hlgh conducLlvlLy. Sodlum
leakage occurs because sodlum and hydrogen have a very slmllar aLLracLlon Lo Lhe caLlon resln bead and
someLlmes Lhe sodlum lon does noL exchange lLself for a hydrogen lon.

ln a mlxed bed sysLem, Lhe sLrong acld caLlon and sLrong base anlon resln are lnLermlxed. 1hls effecLlvely makes
Lhe mlxed bed Lank acL llke Lhousands of dual bed unlLs ln one Lank. 1he caLlon/anlon exchange ls Laklng place over
and over wlLhln Lhe resln bed. Sodlum leakage ls addressed because of Lhe sheer number of repeaLed caLlon/anlon
exchanges Laklng place. 8y uslng a mlxed bed you can produce Lhe hlghesL quallLy of delonlzed waLer posslble.

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lons conducL elecLrlclLy. LlecLrlcal currenL passes Lhrough waLer uslng lons as sLepplng-sLones Lo pass currenL from
one conducLlve lon Lo anoLher. As a resulL, by measurlng Lhe elecLrlcal conducLance of waLer can Lell us whaL Lhe
lonlc conLenL of Lhe waLer ls. lewer lons ln Lhe waLer wlll make Lhe passage of elecLrlclLy more dlfflculL. 1herefore,
waLer wlLh a lower conducLlvlLy value ls consldered more delonlzed" Lhan waLer wlLh a hlgh conducLlvlLy value.

lor more lnformaLlon please conLacL ureLec lndusLrlal WaLer aL 800-906-6060 or vlslL us onllne aL

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