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Individual Student Log Sheet

Date: December 10 - 16 (Skill Building & Project Planning) January 6 - January 14 (Project Execution) Class: TGJ 2OI Project: Audio Production - Student Directed Project INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Fill in this log sheet completely for each day are in class. Mark absences. Be specific and descriptive about the work that you did each day. Include:
Tasks performed Tasks completed Processes used Effort put forth Equipment used Problems Solutions Experienced gained People worked with Self evaluation Comments & questions

Be sure to fill in the self-evaluation section at the bottom of each phases entry. To do this, decide at what level you performed for that phase and how effective you are/were. STEP 2: Through the phases in blue text there are instructions to include screen shots. Please insert the images and delete the instructions. It is good form to label instructions.

Screen Shot - Please include a screenshot of your planning process as documented on your google doc. If you like you can include a screenshot of your script, a search for a Youtube video, sketches from your sketchbook, etc.

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

Screen Shots - Please include shots of organization (files, layers, etc) Please include and label a screenshot of a waveform

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

Please include a screenshot of the work area that you edited on

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

We are going to do a rotating gallery of audio presentations.

How would you rate your personal learning and work in this area:

Level 1: 50-59%

Level 2: 60-69%

Level 3: 70-79%

Level 4: 80-100%

Teacher: Evaluation of Work Sheet & Process: I will be attaching a rubric through Goobric. Please know that 0 indicates incomplete. The computer program will only accept whole numbers.

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