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LEAP Session Exam Review 1) Issue spot -Did J commit battery? -Did J assault B?

2) Write down elements of each -Battery is... -Assault is... Model Answer: doesnt state rule, doesnt go in IRAC, doesnt answer the question Exam Review Exercise handout applied to model answer: 1. No- didnt use facts -do not reiterate facts; apply the law to the facts 2. Model Answer #2 (last page) -because: indicator of applying rule to facts Preparing to write exams: construct outlines to anticipate areas you will be tested on and material that will be covered adequately predict issues that you might be asked on the exam identify use of IRAC, counterarguments, policy arguments, etc. explain how rule, analysis should be applied to each argument C Exam too many facts cite issue, but then mix R, A/E, and C all together--> need to separate conclusory- however, social harm element is missing b/c Victim was never shot.. issue of first degree murder/manslaughter- need to state rules separately from analysis; also need to separate the either/or analysis and make 2 separate arguments dont mix defenses in need to explain rules more, dont provide a good explanation; I just explained the criteria that was met or missing (by applying the facts), but not the actual rule itself often say that this issue depends on several factors but never say explicitly here is the rule issues are too mixed up; group charges together, defenses together, etc. need to have more of a flow (policy/short answers were better) Will lose points on exams when: fail to spot issues do not clearly state issue, rule, etc. dont apply the facts from the hypothetical using conclusory answers- lose points from not applying rules to fact; also lost points when you assume potential answers (ex: say first prong isnt met, but dont say how third prong is/isnt met) Next meeting: time management and using time effectively keep track of time you spend studying between now and next meeting- indicate time you spend studying and the task you spend working on it and rate how effectively you spend your time (1- super well, 4-drooling on book, fail)

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