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LANGUAGE ARTS REFLECTION SHEET Please write a paragraph (minimum of 5-6 sentences) using the following prompts.

Describe the assignment. (Name, class, grade, title/topic) Reasons why you chose this work sample OR Feelings about this work sample (feelings before, during, or after) OR Results from completing this assignment. Closing note about yourself, strength, or what it shows about you as a learner.

The assignment is the vocabulary for lesson 11for hour 5 reading language arts 7th grade. Some reasons that I choose this assignment is because it shows that I have studied all the words good enough to match and define or do it in a sentence. Some feelings that I had after I was done with the test was that I felt confident. The results I got were great because I got 100%. It shows me as a learner because it shows me getting stronger at vocabulary so I can use more words In the real world.

Name Cameron Havlish Date_1/23/14_____________hour 5

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