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11:40 AM 1/23/2014 by Willow Tree I picked this up from the book "Mantras and Mudras" by Lillian Too.

To multiply one's mantra chanting by 100,000 x, recite this one 7 x every mornin g: Om Sambhara Sambhara Bimana Sara Maha Dzawa Hum Om Mara Mara Bimana Kara Maha Dzawa Hum There was no translation so I cannot give it here, least as far as I can recall. I packed my book away because I'm in the process of moving downtown's stuck somewhere and I can't access it atm. I am currently working on a 60-day japa to address my anger issues, according to the book "Healing Mantras" by Thomas Ashley-Farrand (Namadeva). They are broken up into 3 20-day mini-japas, the 1st one which addressed the ang er issue to begin with (surgical intervention): Shante Prashante Sarva Krodha Upasha Mani Swaha Meaning: "Invoking supreme peace I offer (surrender) the quality of <anger> to i ts source in the higher and formless Universal Mind. Salutations." The 2nd one, which I am in the process of finishing up as of the beginning of ne xt week, is a Laxmi mantra (adding salve): Om Sri Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha This one cannot be truly translated other than honouring Our Lady Sri Laxmi.... The 3rd one I will be doing starting Monday next week (bandaging and building ne w "skin"): Om Shanti Om Meaning: "Om, Dynamic Peace, Om." Between the hours of 1P-6P I recite a different mantra, to alternate and keep my self from getting bored/too routine in my recitations: Om Shrim Hrim Klim Namah This is basically a seed (bija)-mantra, which salutes the various Avatars of Sri Shakti in Her different forms-- Laxmi, Bhuvaneshwari, and Kali. Results of Japa So Far: It seems like apparently my anger issues are being addressed, however slowly-- I am hopefully getting less angry over things, which is good, because I tend to l ack patience in many areas!!! I will keep you posted as to further developments /mantra japas I will be working on in the future.

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