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Lost in the Universe of books

The books are something special. Book is our real and best friend. Book gives us knowledge and pleasure. It is the main element of education. There are different kinds and different sizes of books in the world. They are the books of story, books of drama, books of poem, books of novel, books of fashion and design, books of religion, books of cooking, books of entertainment, books of accounting, books of philosophy, books of science and technology, etc. Some books are published in printing paper and some books are published in internet. Books that can be read in internet is called e-book. Today it is very popular. Thousands of people acquire knowledge of different branches from e-book. Personally, I think that the books are a very important source of knowledge. We have a lot of things to learn from books. Every book have something special for someone. I realy like to read, I feel good when I read. I like to read books on psychology and supernatural. Sometimes, when I`m a littleI don`t know, sad or melancholic I start reading, and I get lost in the Universe of books. Books become our best friends, our confident when nobody want listen to us. Books help`s us to be more positive and they teach us beautiful and useful things, they offers us knowledge. In the end, we can not imagine our life without the touch of books. Book helps us to become a complete man in life. Book is our best friend and teacher. Book gives us complete life. It gives us comfort in life. It removes our loneliness. We should always read book.

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