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Endangered Species Graphic Organizer Name Florida Manatee Location South America. Why is it endangered? Planned or accidental entanglement in Number remaining in the wild 2,500.

gill nets by fishermen.

7000 to 9000 in Alaska. 20,000.

Gray Wolf Mexico, U.S Florida Panther Florida. Devils Hole Pupfish Habitat lost. Hunting and trapping.


236. Nevada Water loss. 6000. Central/middle Asia. Hunt. Value. Habitat lost. Competition with humans. Loss of habitat, shootings, pesticide California. 225.

Snow Leopard

California Condor

residue, lead poisoning, and collisions with power lines.

2000. For his Horns. 20,000.

Black Rhinoceros


Green Sea Turtle

Florida, Mexico. Location

Predation by animals and humans. Why are they endangered? Number remaining in the wild


Orangutan Borneo.

habitat due to logging, mining, and forest fires and poaching.

40% of population.

Harpy Eagle South America. African Wild Dog Deforestation.

6,000. Africa. Killed by farmers who consider them a

nuisance. 1000 to 2000

Giant Panda China. Blue Whale Worldwide oceans. Gorilla Africa, forest. Grizzly Bear Canada, Alaska. USA. Chimpanzee Africa. Disease, hunting, habitat lost. Hunting, poaching. Habitat lost, hunt.

habitat and poaching.

5,000- 12,000.

hunted and killed




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