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2nd International Scientific Conference on Engineering Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies MAT 2012, Antalya Turkey, 21 2!

"ove#$er 2012

I"ST%&CTI'"S ('% )%E)A%I"* A )A)E%

Author "u#$er 1 Institution Address, City Country Author "u#$er 2 Institution Address, City Country A+ST%ACT
This document provides information and instructions for preparing the paper for 2st International Scientific Conference on Engineering Manufacturing and Advanced Technologies MAT 2012 using computer and printer. If ou follo! these instructions" the t peface" st le and #asic la out of our paper should loo$ something li$e this document. The te%t of the a#stract should #e in Times &e! 'oman font st le" 11(pt. italic. ,ey-ords. keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3 (Times New Roman, 11-pt.) 1/ )A)E% TIT0E A"1 A&T2'%3S4 Your paper title should start below o the !on eren"e title, as in this do"ument. The !on eren"e title should be in Times New Roman ont, 12-pt., bold. Two line spa"es separate the paper title rom the !on eren"e title. The title o your paper should be 1#-pt., bold in all "apital letters, Times New Roman ont. Two line spa"es (1#-pt. bold) separate the title rom the irst author listin$. %uthor&s name should "onsist o his (her) irst name, middle initial, last name. 't should be 12-pt., bold, times New Roman ont. ' there is more than one author at the same address, list the authors, ollowed by their a iliation. !on eren"e title, title o the paper, and author(s) name must be "entered under the mar$ins. 2/ MA%*I"S A"1 )A)E% 0E"*T2 (aper should be prepared on 21)*2+, mm ormat. %ll mar$ins should be set at 2-.# mm. The "ompleted paper in"ludin$ $raphi"s and re eren"es should not e5ceed 6 7ages. The te*t o your paper should be in 11-pt., medium (normal), and Times New Roman ont, .usti ied under the le t and ri$ht mar$ins. !/ TE8T 2EA1I"* 9 1 The primary te*t headin$ should be numbered by 1., 2., ... and should be in 11-pt., bold, "apital letters, lush le t with mar$in. The spa"in$ rom te*t to the ne*t headin$ is one line. !/1/ Te5t heading 9 2 The ne*t headin$, or sub-head, should be numbered by /.1., /.2., ... and should be in 11-pt., bold, upper and lower "ase letters. The headin$ is lush le t with mar$in.

:/ (I*&%ES, TA+0ES A"1 )2'T'S %ll i$ures, tables and photos (bla"k0white only) must be "lear and sharp. The e*amples o and table numberin$ and titlin$ are $i1en below.


)igure 1. Times ne! roman font" italic 11(pt. There should #e one line space #et!een figures and te%t. Table 1. Times new roman ont, itali" 11-pt. There should be one line spa"e between tables and te*t.

The e2uations and ormulas should be written and numbered as ollows3

... (1) ;/ )A*E "&M+E%I"* (a$es should not be numbered. Your paper will be printed dire"tly rom the pa$es you submit. No $alley proo s will be prepared, so make sure your manus"ript is "are ully proo read be ore submittin$ it. 't is no possible to make "orre"tions a ter submission. Your do"ument must not be olded4 olds "ause shadows on the printed pa$e. </ C')=%I*2T %kdeni5 6ni1ersity 7n$ineerin$ 8a"ulty and 6ni1ersity 9:emal ;i.edi< 8a"ulty o =e"hani"al 7n$ineerin$ in =ostar possess the "opyri$ht o all papers submitted. ;y submittin$ the paper you automati"ally a$ree to trans er the "opyri$ht to %kdeni5 6ni1ersity 7n$ineerin$ 8a"ulty and 6ni1ersity 9:emal ;i.edi< 8a"ulty o =e"hani"al 7n$ineerin$ in =ostar. This means the paper a""epted here should not be o ered to another "on eren"es or .ournals without the abo1e mentioned institutions appro1al. ' there are drawin$s, photos and similar material belon$ to some other authors,

institutions or "ompanies, the author has to $et their written permission. 'n the "ontrary, %kdeni5 6ni1ersity 7n$ineerin$ 8a"ulty and 6ni1ersity 9:emal ;i.edi< 8a"ulty o =e"hani"al 7n$ineerin$ in =ostar assume that this kind o permission has already been $ot. >/ %E(E%E"CES Re eren"es should be in 1)-pt., Times New Roman ont, itali". They should appear at the end o your paper and be numbered. 'n te*t o your paper the re eren"es should be written by si$n [1] or one re eren"e, or by [1,2,-,,] or more than one. The samples below show how the re eren"es should be "ited or .ournal or "on eren"e pro"eedin$s papers and books. [1] C.).*eards+ Structural ,i#ration+ Anal sis and -amping" &e! .or$(Toronto 1//0 >2? 1om$ov" ,adim+ 2ptimal control theor for the damping of vi#rations of simple elastic s stems. 3ecture &otes in Mathematics" ,ol. 245. Springer(,erlag" *erlin(&e! .or$ 1/62 6/ MA"&SC%I)T S&+MISSI'"

=ou can su$#it electronic version of your 7a7er only as .doc5 file, done according to the Instruction, as. Attach#ent to the e #ails send on follo-ing address. sead/ )lease, $e a-are that -e #ust receive your docu#ent until March 1st, 2010/

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