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Capital: Peking Head of State: His Divine Majesty the Guangxu Emperor

One of the largest land powers in the world, the Chinese Federation has all the requirements of a true superpower. While the Celestial Emperors have never had an expansionist bent, the Federation has had to rouse itself to war a number of times, most recently against an attempted Russian Coalition incursion during the 1830s and 40s. That conflict played a large part in the decline and fall of Tsar Nikolai Rurik-Novy, the father of the current Russian Tsar Vladimir, and encouraged the Chinese Federation to speed up its modernisation process. It also established an enduring enmity between the two empires, which persists to this day. The Guangxu Emperor, although in theory the absolute overlord of the collection of kingdoms that comprise his nation, in fact has to rule with a combination of shrewd diplomacy and political ingenuity. The Federation has often been plagued by destructive internal politics, especially in the northern and western provinces, where the Imperial Will is harder to exert. These internal disputes are still a major concern for the Celestial Court. Nonetheless, many see the Federation as a waking giant. Their defeat of the Russians earlier in the century caused the other powers to take note of the Chinese Federation as a growing force. Now, with the Federations industrialisation which has been aided by the Empire of the Blazing Sun, its true power is beginning to be revealed to the other nations of the world.

military. Although still heavily reliant on infantry, the Federations armoured forces are also growing. However, the Emperor also maintains a crack force of elite regiments as the core of his imperial armies. A lot of their modern equipment has been gained as a result of technical co-operation with the Imperial Alchemical Institute (IAI) of the Blazing Sun. The Emperor is continually strengthening his forces, aware that his resource-rich domains are a target for others. In fact, he has gone as far as to modernise and extend the Great Wall itself, wishing to use it to protect his heartlands from further foreign encroachment. However, apart from the Wall project and the core of the Imperial Forces, it is the Oceanic Armadas of the navy that have benefitted the most from the Emperors modernisation. Chinese warships are massive, moving fortresses, based on the war junks of antiquity. Although slow and ponderous, they bristle with cannon batteries, gun turrets, and massive, ornate firethrowers. In many ways, the Chinese military command see their naval forces as moving segments of the mighty Great Wall, providing a similar kind of aggressive defence on the water as their most famous military structure does on land.

The Chinese Federation generally prefers to stand aloof from foreign affairs wherever possible. The Celestial Court has enough issues keeping its client governors in line, and is generally unwilling to act against other nations unless under direct threat. The Federations only official foreign ally is the Empire of the Blazing Sun. Both powers have benefitted greatly from the stream of knowledge and resources that have flowed between them. However, despite being sympathetic to the Imperial Bond, the Federation is not an official signatory. The main effect of the Bond has been to lessen the threat of hostilities between the Federation and the Ottoman Dominions in the loosely governed regions of Central Asia lying between them.


The Chinese Federations military forces are large, but generally not as technologically advanced as those of other powers. Chinese soldiers have earned a reputation for toughness and fighting effectively even when lacking in large amounts of modern weaponry. However, this situation has been changing over recent years, as the effects of industrial and technological growth have had their effect on the Federations


However, there has still been a substantial amount of unofficial skirmishing by rogue elements on both sides over the lucrative mineral resources of Persia and Mesopotamia. However, the Emperor has allowed Blazing Sun forces to travel through his realm on the long overland journey to Europe to aid their faraway allies, the Prussian Empire and the Republique of France. He has also consented to movement of foreign forces in the opposite direction as well. The Emperor has little interest in the affairs of the European war unless they impact on his own affairs. In fact, he has welcomed the presence of this military traffic as being a help in keeping his more independently-minded vassals in line. For several years, the Federation also benefitted from the presence of a special guest none other than the rogue General Oni and his remaining followers. Onis army was of great assistance in helping to train the Emperors forces. The Emperor welcomed Oni and his renegades not only for the skills that they offered, but also because the Federation had indirectly benefitted from the generals razing of Singapore and the halting of the East India Companys expansion. However, with increasing official Blazing Sun activity, the Emperor realised that he could no longer offer Oni continued sanctuary. Fortunately, the fugitive general proved understanding, and had no desire to cause trouble for his host. By late 1871, the Wani leader and his followers had departed the Federation; a great relief for the Celestial Court, if rather inconvenient militarily. Still, the Emperor hoped the prospect of further official Blazing Sun assistance would more than make up for the loss of the renegades army.

The Emperor has little love for the Grand Coalition, unwilling to trust any powers associated with the Russian Coalition. Not only are Russian and Kingdom of Britannia forces operating on the edges of Chinese territory a potential threat, but both powers have also struck deals in the past with ambitious regional rulers within the Federation itself. A number of Mongolian Khans of the Iron Horde have turned mercenary, fighting alternately for the Emperor and the Russian Tsar. The Federation has had few dealings with the Federated States of America, good or bad. However, the prevalence of American mercenary free companies working alongside Britannian and East India Company forces in South Asia has not endeared them to the Celestial Court either. The Emperor has even gone as far as to contemplate moving against the Russians or Britannians before they become an outright danger. However, despite the potential power of the Chinese forces, a lot of their strength must be retained to cover the potentially fractious Central Asian regions, where the lines between friend and foe can be exceptionally blurred. The Federation also has mixed relations with the Covenant of Antarctica. Although Antarctican technology proved to be as much of a boon for the Chinese as any other nation, the Celestial Court ultimately came to believe that the price for them was too high. The Emperor suspects that the Covenant is operating from bases concealed within his realm. While he will not act against them without good reason, he regards such actions as just another form of foreign encroachment that threatens to bring more trouble for the Federation.

Generic Chinese Federation Model Assigned Rules (MARs)

All Chinese models [Land, Sea or Air] have the Rugged Construction MAR unless otherwise noted. All Chinese models [Land, Sea or Air] have the Conscripted Crew MAR unless otherwise noted. All Chinese Rockets have the Incendiary Rounds MAR. All Sonic Weaponry has the Concussive Barrage MAR. All Dragon Breath Weapons are Flamethrower Weapons with the Corrosive and Redoubtable MARs.

Model Assigned Rules (MAR): Jade Armour & Ancient Jade Armour

When a model with Jade Armour suffers a Critical Hit from an AD attack roll 1D6, the Critical Hit Effect is ignored on a roll of a 5+. The model takes the HP loss indicated in the relevant Critical Hit Result entry as normal. Models with Ancient Jade Armour follow the same rules as above with the exception that the model ignores the Critical Hit Effect on the roll of a 4+ rather than a 5+.

The Generator provides a wall of energy that blocks the targeting systems of weapons. Two functional Jiu Long Bi Generators within 8 of each other will cause any Direct attack passing between them to require a 5+ to hit. This Generator is ONLY effective against Direct attacks that have originated from the Surface Height Level.

Generator: Jiu Long Bi

Chinese Federation Fleet Commodore

The National Fleet Commodore rules for Dystopian Wars can be found in the Hurricane Season Campaign book on Page 86. Safe Passage: Re-Roll ONE Treacherous Terrain Check for ONE model in their Fleet within 8 of the Commodores model. Fix It Lads: Re-Roll ONE Damage Repair Test for one model within 8 of the Commodores model. Blessing of the Jade Dragon (Once Per Game): This ability MUST be activated by the Chinese Fleet Commodore during his models activation. Until the end of the Turn, ALL vessels in the fleet with the Jade Armour MAR or the Ancient Jade Armour MAR will automatically pass the test to ignore Critical Hit Effects. Wrath of the Red Dragon: This ability may be used by any squadron within 8 of the Chinese Fleet Commodore at the start of their activation. The squadron has the Extended Range MAR until the end of the turn.

Special thanks go to Senior Testers Derek Sinclair, Ross Mackenzie, Damien Quinn, Michael Hetherington, John Smith and James Flack and the D-Wars Online Beta Group for their valued help in the development of the Chinese Federation rules and nation. Additional thanks go to Christopher Drew, Franco Sammarco, Andrew Jones and Chris Worth.

Minimum Move: 0 Turning Template: 45 degree Turn Limit: 1


RANGE BAND Points Cost: 280 DR 8 AP 10 6 6 AA CC RR 13 6 12 CR Mv HP 6 11 13 -

Dragon Breath (S)

Model Assigned Rules: Ancient Jade Armour, Fuel Reserves, Impervious, Limited Availability (1250), Security Posts, Surface Skimmer, Tiny Flyer Complement (6). This model has a Jiu Long Bi Generator. This model may add an internal Sonic Generator for an extra 20 Points.

Sonic Turrets (P)


Rocket Battery

The EIGHT Dragon Breath Cannons (S) have a Fixed Channel: 2 x Fore, 2 x Aft, 2 x Port and 2 x Starboard. The TWO Sonic Turrets (P) have 180 degree Offset Arc of Fire. The ONE Rocket Battery has a 360 degree Arc of Fire.

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: Large Squadron Size: 1 Model LARGE CAPITAL CLASS NAVAL MODEL Model Assigned Rules: Ancient Jade Armour, Fuel Reserves, Security Posts. 3 9 7 AP 12 4 9 11 6 DR CR 11 AA 5 4 Points Cost: 170 Mv 7 CC 5 HP 8 RR This model may be upgraded to have a Rocket Battery for an extra 20 Points. This model may add an internal Sonic Generator for an extra 10 Points.


Dragon Breath (S)

Sonic Broadsides (P)



Aft Guns (S)

Rocket Battery

The TWO Dragon Breath Cannons (S) have a Fixed Fore Channel. The Sonic Broadsides (P) have Broadside Arc of Fire. The AFT Guns (S) have a 90 degree Arc of Fire. The ONE Optional Rocket Battery has a 360 degree Arc of Fire.

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: Medium


RANGE BAND Points Cost: 130 DR 5 AP 6 4 4 AA CC RR 7 6 6 CR Mv HP 6 3 -

Model Assigned Rules: Attachment (CF, Support Carrier, 1), Jade Armour, Limited Availability (750), Security Posts. The THREE Sonic Turrets (P) have a 270 degree Arc of Fire. The Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Arc of Fire.

Sonic Turrets (P)


Broadsides (S)

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: Medium Squadron Size: 2 Models MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS NAVAL MODEL Model Assigned Rules: Jade Armour, Security Posts. 3 3 6 5 AP 5 3 6 AA 3 DR CR 4 Points Cost: 85 Mv 7 CC 3 HP 4 RR -


Sonic Cannon (P)

Sonic Turret (P)


Broadsides (S)

The ONE Sonic Cannon (P) has a 90 degree Fore Arc of Fire. The ONE Sonic Turret (P) has a 270 degree Arc of Fire. The Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Arc of Fire. The Aft Guns (S) have a 90 degree Arc of Fire. NOTE: The Wodao Class Gunship is created by using the Dao Class Cruiser hull and adding a single Sonic Turret to the mid-section. Two Turrets are included inside the Chinese Federation Naval Battle Group. The turrets are available from the Spartan Games Parts Service which can be found at:

Aft Guns (S)

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: Medium Model Assigned Rules: Jade Armour, Security Posts. 3 Points Cost: 65 DR 5 AP 8 3 3 AA CC RR 6 7 4 CR Mv HP 3 3 4



Sonic Cannon (P)

Broadsides (S)

The ONE Sonic Cannon (P) has a 90 degree Fore Arc of Fire. The Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Arc of Fire. The Aft Guns (S) have a 90 degree Arc of Fire.

Aft Guns (S)

Minimum Move: 0 Turning Template: 360 degree Squadron Size: 1-3 models MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS NAVAL MODEL Model Assigned Rules: Fuel Reserves, Impervious, Jade Armour, Security Posts, Surface Skimmer. Mv 6 AA 5 4 6 CC 2 HP 5 RR This model has an internal Jiu Long Bi Generator. 3 5 5 AP 6 DR CR 4 Points Cost: 60


Dragon Breath (S)

Rocket Battery

The FOUR Dragon Breath Cannons (S) have a Fixed Channel Arc of Fire - 1 x Fore, 1 x Aft, 1 x Port and 1 x Starboard. The ONE Rocket Battery has a 360 degree Arc of Fire.

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: SMALL Model Assigned Rules: Pack Hunter, Small Target. 3 Points Cost: 35 DR 4 AP 2 1 1 AA CC RR 5 12 2 CR Mv HP 4

Squadron Size: 2-4 Models SMALL CLASS NAVAL MODEL


Dragon Breath (S)

The ONE Dragon Breath (S) has a Fixed Fore Channel Arc of Fire. The Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Arc of Fire.

Broadsides (S)

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: Small Model Assigned Rules: Small Target. 3 1 4 AP 3 5 AA 1 DR CR 4 Points Cost: 25 Mv 12 CC 1 HP 2 RR Squadron Size: 2-4 Models SMALL CLASS NAVAL MODEL


Sonic Cannon (P)

The ONE Sonic Cannon (P) has a 90 degree Fore Arc of Fire. The Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Arc of Fire.

Broadsides (S)

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: Medium


RANGE BAND Points Cost: 80 DR 5 AP 6 3 3 AA CC RR 6 7 4 CR Mv HP 3 3 -

Model Assigned Rules: Attachment (CF Cruiser, 1), Deck Crews, Fuel Reserves, Jade Armour, Security Posts, Tiny Flyer Complement (4).

Sonic Cannon (P)

Broadsides (S)

Aft Guns (S)

The ONE Sonic Cannon (P) has a 90 degree Fore Arc of Fire. The Broadsides (S) have a Broadside Arc of Fire The Aft Guns (S) have a 90 degree Arc of Fire.

RANGE BAND Fighter Plane Dive Bomber Recon Plane Move 16 12 16 AD 0 3 0 Ack Ack 2 1 1


VERTICAL DIVE (Dive Bombers)

SWARM TACTICS (Fighter Planes, Dive Bombers)

Any Attack using Combined Fire made by Tiny Flyers in this Wing increases its Attack Dice (AD) by +2.

Any Abort result against this Tiny Flyer Wing is calculated against the size of the Wing BEFORE Destroyed results are applied.

Minimum Move: 4 Turning Template: 45 degree Turn Limit: 1

Squadron Size: 2-3 Models MEDIUM CLASS FLYING MODEL

Model Assigned Rules: Momentum, Sheaf Fire (Sonic Barrage Projector). 3 Points Cost: 60 DR 5 AP 5 4 2 AA CC RR 6 9 4 CR Mv HP 6 4


Sonic Barrage (P)

The ONE Sonic Barrage Projector (P) has a 90 Fore Arc of Fire. Sonic Bombs have a Fixed Channel Rear Arc of Fire.

Sonic Bombs



As the World War rages, a new giant awakens in the Far East. The forces of the Chinese Federation stand strong against those who would violate its territory. The Chinese military prefers tough, reliable ships and weaponry, its great warships and other fighting engines often resembling moving fortresses. Heavily armoured, bristling with cannons and fearsome flamethrowers, they sweep aside the opposition with massed firepower and sheer endurance. The contents of this book are Copyright 2013 Spartan Games

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