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Article Summary & Discussion Preparation Log Part I: Individual Assignment Article Title: __________How Green is my City_____________________ Author/Source:

_____________D. Biello / Scientific American___________________________ While reading the article, highlight words or phrases that require definitions or clarifications What are the AUTHORs major ideas, concepts or key points? A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point In someways urban areas are greenr than suburban like transportation Increasing energy effencieny/ reducing greenhouse gas emmisions. Replacing blck tar roofs into white Cars that would be rechargeable without emmitinhg greenhouse gas. Insure water is clean and available Bettr technology to achieve long term goal sustainability B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs The author main point is that we need better technology for us to achieve sustainability. We can start with better transportation. For example our cars can be modified into all rechargblle without making greenhouse gas emission. We need to ensure that are water is enough to suatin everyone in the city and that the water is clean. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views So What? Says Who? What if..? What Does This Remind Me Of? I thought that it is better for us to start in US because maybe if we do it first or the developed conrties tht theylll follow us and we can ensure sustainability. If everyone in the US would do this we would decrease our greenhouse gas emission dramatically. The picture of China that was not built I thought that it would look interesting because they have a lot of trees and tht it has green roof tops. The place doesnt look bad at all it looks really nice. It reminds of this gae I played and youre the city planner and you decide on everything.

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