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Admin Process Of Escalation

These procedures need to be followed at all time!!!!!!! This is so users are treated fairly and the treatment of users is in uniformity. This will guide admins as to what they need to do so in turn this should reduce the claims of wrongful banning or that they did not have a chance to explain the situation fully.
Banning Procedure This is normally if a complaint is received and the offence committed is one which would result in a ban. If it is minor refer to the kicking procedure 1. Get the side of the story from the complainant. 2. Request the offender onto TS using Rcon admin chat. Only use this chat on official admin business!! Failure to come into TS results in punishment for the which is rule broke 3. In a separate channel get the Story from the offender. 4. Challenge parts of the story and use general knowledge and investigation. 5. Use your best judgement and make a decision which you will stick too. If you are unsure ask for a second opinion 6. Banning should be relative to the rules broken. DO not just perm ban. Hacking procedure Make sure you have the correct person and ban the user. Refer to banning general rules If they wish to appeal this will be done in TS. Ticket system is not recommended as the user will still be requested into team speak anyhow. Kicking procedure This is used for minor offences eg a police officer using a gun not for his class. There is no requirement for you to speak to the user unless you not 100% sure an offence has been committed Kick User If the User continues to commit the same offence or another refer to the banning procedure Disrespect This is a case of personal attack or speaking to you in a demeanour not acceptable when addressing any staff member Disrespect is NOT, I repeat NOT them saying you are wrong. There will be times users will not agree with your judgement, if so refer them to the appeal process. 1. Be careful in this area. Take the situation into account the situation they are in. It is normal that if someone is blamed for RDM for example or the subject for it. Dont just ban. Address the situation. 2. Most of all do not take it personally. The user is likely outlashing due to the situation and you are in a position of authority. 3. Give a warning to the user if there is a case of disrespect. DO NOT BAN WITHOUT GIVING A WARNING!! 4. If the offender proceeds the continue their line of disrespect you may give a one day ban.

1. 2.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Banning/Kicking General Rules 1. When you ban/kick a user put the reason for the ban/kick and then your name. For Example. RDM/Crim This is for referencing so we know why and who banned/kicked a person. So if that person appeals the ban/kick we know who did and. Inturn So that admin can be spoken too in case we need any information regarding the incident. I will make it clear. If this happen the admin is not in trouble. This is purely so we can justly handle any situation if a user appeals. Appeal Process If someone wishes to appeal a ban or an admins decision. This will be reviewed by a senior or trusted admin. This is done by the contact admin/ticket system on the website. In rare cases an appeal may be reviewed by an appeal admin in teamspeak after a decision is made. This is however unlikely as the appeal admin will want to have time to fully review the situation. If the appeal is against you, you MAY NOT handle the appeal. Doing so will likely result in your removal. The person who handles the appeal must be independent.

Most of all, If you are unsure as to what to do ask another admin

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