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WHEN I SEND CLOUDS OVER THE EARTH, THE RAINBOW WILL APPEAR IN THE CLOUDS, AND I Witt REMEMBER MY COVENANT WITH YOU AND WITH ALL LIVING CREATURES, NEVER AGAIN WILL THE FLOODWATERS DESTROY ALL LIFE, —Genesis 9:14-15 nur You think you'll remember it forever—the craziest roller-coaster ride, your best birthday ever, scoring the winning goal, winning a big award. At the time it feels bigger-than-anything-in-the-world-ever awesome. But then a month goes by, and a season, and a year. It's not that you totally forget. But other stuff happens. Your memory just sort of ... fades. You'd think Noah and his family would never forget something as crazy as the flood and floating around with all those animals. I'm sure they never forgot it completely. But life went on. Every new day put the flood farther into the past. Except when they saw a rainbow! The rainbow was a reminder. It must have brought the memories flooding back to Noah and his family (get it, flooding back?): Hey, Ham, remember how God took care of us during the flood? It even reminded God! And it still reminds us today of His goodness, We all need reminders. God later had His people set up rock towers to remind them of His miracles (check out “Entering the Promised Land” in The Action Bible). Now we have the Bible to remind us. But we can also make notes and symbols to jog our memories too—objects or items that help us go, Oh yeah! That was so cool when God did that to help me. And if He took care of me then, He can do it again. Start to remember the past, and build new courage for the future. 1. Start a journal. Write down how God answers your prayers and helps you. Go back every so often to remember and get encouraged. 2. Rock @ reminder. Start building a small tower in your yard. Write on flat rocks short reminders of good things God does and stack them. Hand-sized flat river rocks work best, Thank God whenever you see it. 3. Build Noah’s ark. Use Legos, cardboard, wood, or any other supplies you ‘+ What specific things make you think about God? ‘* What are your favorite memories? ‘* What things around you make you say, “Thanks, God. That was so cool!"? = you learn? | What do you want to remember? BIG PICTURE PAGE USE YOUR FAMILY PHOTOS ANP VIPEOS TO MAKE A MOVIE OR SLIDE SHOW OF SOME FAVORITE MEMORIES, USE THIS SPACE TO DRAW ANP PLAN.

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