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I am quite please with how my front cover has turned out, I feel that it is appropriate for my intended audience,

as it has some concepts of a rock magazine, without being too dark or using too many dark colours, as my target audience is females. I tried to use colours that would fit within my genre, howre be welcoming to girls. I feel that the font used works for this magazine, as it has an edgy look and stands out against the main images. The writing is clear, but only when placed in the correct place as if not it is hard to read against the background. My masthead is clear and easy for people to read and the font looks like it belongs to a rock genre, which is what I was aiming for. The coverlines are going over the main image, however not over her face. I feel that the front cover looked better when I compared the cover lines over her and not over her. In order for the cover lines to go over the main image, I had to make the main image bigger, which in the end, looked better, as it created a close-up and looked clearer than when the image was smaller. I feel that I could have improved on my background, as it is a google image, so therefore I need to take my own image to make it original. I also feel that the background image is too dark, as when it was printed out the baxkground image looked darker than on the computer. Therfore if I change the brightness of my background, I will have to change the brightness of my main image, as I dont want her to look too light/dark against the background image. To improve, I think that I should add a logo to my magazine to make it look more unique. I think that I should possibly move my puff, as it seems that the cover storys and puff together make the front cover looked cramped, and not spaced out or organised, which therefore may make the front cover harder to read for the audience and not clear. In order to make my magazine look more unique I feel that I should move the barcode to make the magazine look different, rather than having the barcode in the regular place that most magazines have it in.

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