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The german monarchs were indeed overthrown by freemasons/communists/jews in the Novemeber revolution.

1919 was the date when they took control of Germany, and t hey systematically ran the country into the ground when they robbed the german p eople of all their stuff. First the Treaty of Versailles, then the hyperinflatio n, then the Great Depression (which hit Germany harder than any other country in the world). Hitler was the corrective. He was the freemasons/communists/jews worst nightmare . That's why they demonize him so much. He came into power with the help of the old east prussian nobility, one of the reasons why after WW2, they completely de stroyed east prussia. The east prussian nobility was deeply christian in its roo t, they were the direct descendents of the teutonic knights and their prussian c rusader kingdom. WW2 wasnt a 'false flag' attack, Hitler simply tried to get back the regions tha t France/Britain stole from Germany after WW1. It was Britain and France that de clared war on Germany in return. Germany should have won WW1, easily, if not for the german jews selling out germ any to the britfags in return for the declaration of balfour. The germans were w inning WW1, the entire war was fought on french soil, when the homefront crumble d thanks to jewish instigation of the working class, and sabotage. The jews were able to do these things because in the Kaiserreich, the Kaiser had been stupid enough to let jews into high offices. They were all over the place. The Kaiser w asnt a catholic; a catholic Kaiser would not have been that stupid.

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