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Week 3 ATL Fight Gone ATL Style AMRAP 1min Snatch (95/65) 30 sec.

ec. rest 1min SDLHP (95/65) 30 sec. rest 1min One Arm KB Clean and Jerk (left) (55/35) 30 sec. rest 1min One Arm KB Clean and Jerk (right) (55/35) 30 sec. rest 1min shoulder to overhead Scoring: Number of reps will be added together from each round to give the athlete a total score. The athlete with the highest total score will win a point for there team. Movement Standards Snatch: Bottom Position: To begin the bar is resting on the floor. The athlete is required to bring the bar from the floor to an overhead position. The bar must past into the overhead position in one movement. It cannot be caught in a front rack position and then thrusted overhead. Top Position: In the finishing position the athlete must have full knee, and hip extension. Arms must be inline with the shoulders and elbows must be locked out.

Acceptable *Catching the bar overhead and pressing out the arms overhead. *Power snatch *Squat snatch Sumo DL High Pull: Bottom Position: To begin the bar is resting on the floor. The athlete is required to take a grip between the width of their stance. Top Position: The bar is brought up to the level of the athletes collarbone. One Arm Kettle Bell C&J Bottom Position: The bell begins on the ground. It is brought from the ground and caught in a front rack position. From the front rack it is thrusted overhead. Top Position: Athletes hips and knees must be fully extended. Elbow must be fully extended with the bicep inline with the ear. Shoulder to Overhead Bottom Position: Bar is in front rack position. Athletes his and knees are fully extended. Top Position: Athletes hips and knees must be fully extended. Elbows must be fully extended with the biceps inline with the ear. Acceptable *Strict Press *Push Press *Push Jerk *Split Jerk

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