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A picture paints a thousand words. This saying is so suitable and fit to this photograph. Why I say that it is a special photograph for me? It is because this photo has given me a lot of experience and meaning of immolation as the aider of Allahs religion. For your information, this picture consists of religious, missionary, moral and spiritual organization (BADAR) form four members. The picture was being snapped during our last party. There are 17 members of form 4 members including myself. From 17 members, 11 of us are boy and the rest are girls. Everybody in this organization has their own strengths and weaknesses. For me, the uniqueness of this team is because we use the word of cooperation as our principle.

Starting from the beginning of the year, the activity that had been held by us continuously is discussion about Islam between us and other students. Usually, before the discussion being carried out, we as naqib and naqibah will gather and do some discussion between us earlier. It is because we want to brainstorm a lot of brilliant ideas according to Quran and hadith. As the saying goes, ideas comes from many is better than one. In addition, this matter should not be underestimated in order to avoid the conflict about a problem that being discussed such as misunderstanding about couple problems. Besides than discussion, we had also organise a talk which often been given by our leader, Brother Syafiq. For me, the most important person for this year is him. Without him, we do not manage to organise a lot of programs throughout the year. He always came out with many superb ideas that never been

thought by s. One of them is creating T-shirt as an identity for our organization. The T-shirt is quite beautiful by the combination of two colours which is grey and yellow. I am so proud when I wear it till now.

As the conclusion, this photograph makes me so proud to be the helper of Islam. There are not many people who like to involve in this matter. I believe that Allah had set something special for those who were willing to help Islam. Lastly, Allah has said in Quran in Sura Muhammad verse 7 for those who were willing to assist Islam :

O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly.

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